Chapter 13 Liz, are you even listening?

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Ring ring ring Why isn't she picking up?


Lizzie's POV -

"Hey Liz" said Louis, standing on the front door with a smile on his face.

"Hey Louis" I said "Come in" I replied returning the smile.

Today was Saturday but I wasn't working as usual because Harry was on leave.

He had fever, since Wednesday but shrugged it off and on Thursday I practically threatened him to take a leave.

The stupidly cute dork he is, didn't want to take a leave because in his words 'how will I treat my patients then?'

That's why I like him.

Yes, I still like him, he is just too cute for not liking. I know I have feelings for him and I'm sure he doesn't, and that's alright because I'm trying hard not to fall for him, because I can't date him though I want to.

Like I said before, moving on is the best for both of us.

And that's why I am keeping my other friends in touch so as to keep myself distracted from my perfectly beautiful boss. Which is the hardest task ever.

Maybe dating someone else would help taking Harry off my mind.

"Liz, Are you even listening?" Louis said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, sorry, what were you saying?" I replied.

"I was saying that I bought you these..." he said showing me a beautiful pair of earrings.

"When I saw them, I just imagined how pretty you will look in these.." He added.

"Louis.. You didn't have to" I said with a smile. "They're really pretty thank you so much.." I said and hugged him.

"Not more than you" he pulled away and winked at me. And, I blushed a little.

Louis has been always nice to me and sometimes he even gets flirty but he always makes sure that I'm smiling.

But there's something which makes me distant from him whenever we get close. Just like we are now. Oh no.

"Do you know how beautiful you are?" he asked me and I smiled uncomfortably.

The position we were in after the hug was making me uncomfortable. Louis' hands were on my waist and mine rested on his chest and his blue eyes were now burning into me.

That's what you wanted, to date another guy, what are you afraid of?

Yeah, but..

Louis interrupted my line of thoughts by slowly leaning into me.

If you want Harry off your mind, this is the way.

It's not working though, I'm literally thinking about him..

Ours Lips were brushing together when my phone rang and Louis pulled away quickly. Thank god.

And, it was Harry. Great.

"Umm, it's my boss, I will have to take it." I said and Louis nodded in response.

"Hello?" I said.

"Lizzie, hey, what took you so long?" he said, his voice a bit raspy.

"uhh, Nothing sir, I couldn't find my phone" I replied.

"Oh, anyway, I wanted Dennis' file, is that with you?" he asked.

"What? but you are on leave right? Why do you want that?" I asked.

"I don't have time for telling you Lizzie, I'll tell you later alright, I just want it, send me the pictures of it." he said.

"I can't, it's in my cabin, and why are you working today?" I asked frowning, while Louis kept a hand on my thigh and gave me a questioning look. His hand was giving me shivers.

"I'm not working today, don't worry, can you get me the file then? it's kind of important." he asked and I can feel him making the puppy face which I melt for.

"Okay, I'll bring it." I said and sighed.

"Thanks, bring it at my house" he said and hung up.

"Everything alright?" Louis said and I nodded.

"Harry needs some file which is in my office and now I have to bring it to him." I said and his smile disappeared.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." I said and stood up.

"Can I drive you ?" he asked.

"Okay" I said with a smile.

We went to his range rover and he started driving.

"So, when you will be free?" he asked breaking the silence.

"umm, I don't know, he didn't tell me why he needed the file" I replied honestly.

Rest of the drive was silent and I took the file from my office and now we were in front of Harry's house.

"Wow" said Louis looking at it.

"I had the same reaction when I first came here." I said smiling and he nodded. Wait, why is he coming closer?

And then, he hugged me and I reluctantly hugged back. He pulled away and smiled at me then kissed my cheek.

"Bye" he whispered to my ear.

"Bye" I replied.


A/N -

Heyy People!

Keep Reading :)

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