Chapter 9

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Leah's POV


Today Parker and I decided to go out and buy paint, furniture, and other baby items for our little princess on the way.

We are going full out on our baby girl. We've decided to do an off white and lavender color for her room. We wanted a room that says this is for a girl, but we didn't want something too girly.

We have already gone to Ace and got the paint colors and now we're heading to Target to look at some furniture.

We arrived there and Parker came around to my side and helped me out of the car. I am still in shock from my birthday last week, I can't believe I'm marrying this man.

"Okay baby what do you want to look at first?" He asked holding my hand while we walk through the parking lot.

"Let's look at cribs and car seats first, then rocking chairs, changing tables, and then maybe we can pick out some clothes, possibly her outfit to wear home from the hospital." I said biting my lip.

"Of course baby, whatever you want" he said kissing my cheek.

"I was also thinking we could go to Bye Bye Baby in case we don't find what we want here?" I asked.

"That's fine, I've got nothing but time" he smiled at me.

As soon as we walked inside we grabbed a cart and went over to the baby section. We looked at a lot of options starting with cribs.

"Babe, look at this one, its off white and has beautiful carvings in it, I love it!" I gave him pleading eyes.

"Baby how about this, you pick the furniture, and I'll help with her clothes and toys and blankets?" I just giggled and kissed his cheek.

After a couple hours we finally found all the furniture we need. So we paid for everything and left the store. Our next stop was Bye Bye Baby.

We got most of princess's clothes there. We were in the middle of putting all the bags in the car when I started hearing clicking noises.

I started looking around and I saw a guy with a camera and he was taking pictures of us.

"Babe, someone is taking pictures of us" I said slightly standing behind Parker now.

He looked over at the man and he looked pissed. He put his arm around me protectively and walked me to my side of the car.

"Baby stay here I'll be right back." He kissed my forehead and shut the door and started walking to the man. I don't know what he said but the next thing I knew the guy was running and my fiance just came back looking a bit calmer.

As he got in the car and started driving, he took my hand in his and I felt all my worries wash away.

"I'm sorry about that Leah, I was hoping you wouldn't have to deal with them" he said with a guilty look on his face.

"Hey, Parker it's okay, don't worry about it. I'm fine.. we're fine!" I reassured him.

Tomorrow we had my doctor's appointment and we are going to be able to see more of our baby girl. Since I'm 24 weeks pregnant now, I'm more than halfway through my pregnancy.

I love being pregnant and all, but I just want my baby girl here. I can't wait to love and spoil on her. And I just know Parker is going to make a great daddy.

"Baby, can we get some food please? I'm so hungry!" I pleaded and rubbed my belly.

"Sure baby girl, but we are going to get take out, I don't want to risk the paparazzi seeing us again." He said kissing my hand.

When he said that I had thoughts of doubt in my mind. Was he ashamed of me? Of our baby? Did he not want people to know? Am I just his little secret?

"Hey baby, are you okay? Don't cry!" He asked worried. I hadn't even realized I was crying until he said that.

"Are you ashamed of me? Or our baby?" I asked, looking down nervously.

"What? Are you kidding me? Of course not pretty girl! I love you and our little princess! I could never be ashamed of you, either of you!" He said reassuring me. It kind of worked.

"Well why don't you want the paparazzi seeing us then Parker!?" I raised my voice a little.

"Baby I'm trying to protect you girls! If people find out I have a pregnant fianceé, they are going to try and talk to you! It might not be safe!" He said looking worried.

"Parker, I love you for protecting us, but you being a famous pop star, means paparazzi. I can handle myself baby. So if they wanna go and come after me, I'd like to see them try!" I said confidently. I kissed his cheek and sat back down.


We got back home an hour ago and started getting to work on the nursery. Corina and Justin are coming over soon to help us. And also to hang out.

We had just started painting when we heard the doorbell. Parker went down their and came back up with my two favorite people.

"CORINA!!" I squeled and we ran, well, waddled our way to each other.

"L, I've missed you so much, my god look at your bump!" She said holding my baby bump.

"Girl I could say the same thing! You are totally pulling off the pregnant look, you're glowing!" I gushed.

"Umm, you two do realize you saw each other yesterday at the cafe, yes?" Justin butted in.

"Justin Carter Myers don't make me slap you! It has been one day yes, but a long ass day! So shut up and let me catch up with my girl C" I scolded him sternly.

Man, maybe I've got this whole mom thing down already. Wait.. that would make me the nonfun parent, oh son of a bitch, damnit!


We had painted it a couple nights ago so all we had to do today was out together furniture and set it all up. We got a big custom sign with her name on it that we plan on putting up after she's born.

We didn't want Corina or Justin to know her name yet. Finally around 10:30 we finished setting it up.

We said goodnight to them and went to bed finally.

I was absolutely in love with her room. This gave me a sense of relief and now I don't have to worry about rushing to get this done.

Now all that's missing is our daughter. And we are so thrilled to meet her in a couple months.


End of chapter 9!

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The name in the picture isn't the name of their baby!


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