Chapter 5

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Parker's POV


I don't know what it is, but there's something so alluring about this girl. Ever since she bumped into me, literally, I haven't been able to get her out of my head.

When I first talked to her at the cafe and she told me she was pregnant. I considered running, finding somebody else. But her eyes, and her personality drew me in.

If I would've left and never gave her a chance, I would regret it. I'd be missing out on a chance to be with a great woman, and to be the father of her child.

When I found out her baby's father wanted nothing to do with them, it pissed me off. And on top of that he cheated on her, then called her a slut! What kind of brainless dick does that!?

In my eyes, this guy never deserved Leah, and I'm going to make sure she feels loved and protected for the rest of her life.

I'm excited to become a father, and just because we aren't blood related, it doesn't change the love I will have for him/her.

I know being the father of a child should scare me, but it honestly just feels so right. Plus we have this amazing woman who we get as our mother and girlfriend.

We're all going to be okay.


"Yo Parker! Come on we have to go record!!" My best friend Jordan said.

You might be wondering what he means so let me fill you in. I'm a big time pop star singer. I've been singing since I was ten years old. It has always been a dream to perform at the NFL half time show, and one day I'll get there.

My best friends Kevin and Jordan are my drummer and lead guitarist. We've been in a band called "American Boys" I know, not very creative, but it's cool.

"Alright I'm coming" I chuckled walking out to my car.

As we got to the recording studio I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Leah: hey Parker, I was wondering if you would like to come over tonight?

Me: I'd love to pretty girl, see you at 6

Leah: okay, see you then

Man, this girl..

"Okay what type of song are we doing today?" Kevin asked me.

"Let's do.. a pop love song" I smiled.

"Ohhhh whose the girl?"

"Somebody's whipped!"

They teased me.

"I'll tell you later let's just record the damn song, you know we are being charged by the hour!" I said sternly and rolled my eyes playfully as we got to work.


"Okay guys, let's call it a night" I said stretching.

"Dude come on, it's only 5:30, and we've only just now finished the lyrics and tone of the song." Jordan pouted.

"Yeah, come on, or do you have a hot date with Leahhh" Kevin teased me.

I smacked him on the head before laughing my butt off.

"Look, I have to be at her house soon so I have to go, but we will continue this tomorrow!" I said walking out.

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