Chapter 10

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Leah's POV


Today Parker and I are going to the doctors for a check-up on our little princess. Speaking of, she's been a wiggle for these past couple of days.

It gives me a sense of security when she moves, cause then I know she's okay. It's funny, cause now I can see her moving around, and I will literally spend so much time just watching her move.

Parker and I talked about our wedding, and we've decided that we'll get married a couple months after our baby's born.

We found a beautiful and big open garden and there's a beautiful kind of willow tree that we can hang lights on and use as an arch to get married under.

We have an open area to do the reception and after party at. It's going to be very beautiful. I can't wait.

Right now, I'm currently taking a bath and watching The Kissing Booth, on our TV in there. This movie has easily become my favorite. The friendship in it is so amazing! And don't even get me started on Elle and Noah! They're goals!

I got out of the bath tub when the movie finished and I decided to wear something comfy today. So I went to my closet and threw on a pair of leggings and one of Parker's shirts.

I made my way downstairs and I got some breakfast. Parker isn't here, he's at the recording studio. He's been going there a lot more often and he won't tell me what he's working on, all he says is it's a surprise. The only thing he'll tell me is he's working on his bands new album.

Just the other day I started listening to his music and oh boy, my man's got some vocals on him. His band is amazing and I want him to sing for me one day.

I've been trying to get him to but he keeps telling me that he's gotta save up his voice for his band.


I've been alone all morning so I decided that I'm going to go work at the cafe for a few hours. I feel bad that I haven't been there to help Corina but every time I try her pregnant butt keeps telling me no.

Well not today!

I got to the cafe an hour later. I had gotten changed and decided to go get us both our favorite teas from Starbucks. When she saw me walk in she looked mad, but then she saw the tea I was holding and a huge grin came across her face.

"Oh my god, you're the best! You know what just today, you can help!" She squeled pulling me into a hug.

"You know, this is my cafe too! I can work whenever I want!" I said confidently.

"Honey not when you're 6 months pregnant, so you can work today, but that's it!" She said while sipping her tea.

"Corina, you do realize you're pregnant too, and only a month behind me right?"

"Oh shut up and work Leah" she said rolling her eyes.

I just chuckled but got back to work nonetheless. I was working tables today and waitressing and I wasn't even paying attention to the table I went to.

"Welcome to L and C's Cafe, I'm Leah and I'll be your waitress today." I said cheerily, but when I looked up it all vanished.

There was Trevor, sitting with a different girl draped on him. Wow, can't believe I was ever with him.

The Jones Family (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora