Chapter 25

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Leah's POV

These past couple of weeks in the new house have been absolutely amazing. It's so great how much more room we have in the house.

Parker and I spent the first night breaking in our new bed.. if you know what I mean. It's been a lot of fun. If we keep up this behavior Kinsley's going to become a sister sooner than we want.

Speaking of Kinsley, she's already almost seven months old. She's become a lot more mobile too.

She's been crawling all over the place. I had to baby proof everything and out baby gates on the top and bottom of the stairs.

Her favorite thing to do now is to open up our cabinets and take out anything she can grab.

I ordered a bunch of clips to put on the cabinet so she can't open them anymore. The amount of times I walk into the kitchen and find her playing with lots is ridiculous.

We also are preparing to celebrate something fun.

Parker's birthday is tomorrow and everyone has been helping me plan it. He's going to be turning 24.

We are going to be doing a surprise party at my house. He said he doesn't want to do anything for his birthday, but this is his first birthday we've celebrated together so I wasn't just going to sit around and not do anything.

I planned on waiting to decorate until he leave tomorrow morning. I have a shit ton of balloons to set up in the living room, dining room, living room, out back and our room.

I am also baking his cake tomorrow and it's going to be hilarious. I may be sweet right now but after he sees the cake he won't think so.

The girls and Parker's parents will be coming over to help me set up everything tomorrow after I give them the all clear.

But right now I'm getting ready to go grocery shopping with Kinsley. Since it's the middle of October it's been pretty chilly here.

I showered last night and had put my hair in braids so now my hair was curly today. I pulled part of my hair up into a bun and clipped it.

I put on mascara and nude lipstick again. I sprayed on my perfume and put on my rings.

I walked into my closet and pulled out a baggy brown and white striped sweater, skinny jeans with holes in the knees and paired the outfit with my white sneakers.

I walked down the hall into Kinsley's room and picked out an outfit for her to wear.

I sat on the floor with her and changed her into the outfit I picked for her. It was a big nude sweater that'll keep her warm and I put grey leggings on her.

I found a headband with a big bow on it that matches her shirt. I then grabbed her boots and put them on her.

I stood up and picked her up heading to the living room to grab my purse and her diaper bag.

Once I got both I left and made my way to our car. I unlocked the doors and I opened the back and put Kinsley in her car seat. I set the diaper bag on the floor below her and shut the door.

I made my way around to my side of the car and hopped into the front seat. I plugged my phone in and synced up my music.

I played my 80s - early 2000s playlist and P¡NK started playing. I buckled up and started the car and left for the store.

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