Chapter 26

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Leah's POV

Today is Parker's birthday and I'm prepared to go all out and have fun. Our theme is a little childish but he's like a big man child so it's only fitting.

I was planning on making a lot of food resemble the heroes and Corina, Lily and Mia are in charge of crafts.

Faye and Paul were in charge of balloons and babies. Once they got the balloons all set up in every room but mine, they got the fun job of watching Bently and Kinsley.

Parker was still sleeping so I decided to start his day out great and make him breakfast in bed.

Kinsley slept with Parker and I last night again so I just picked her off of the bed and brought her into the kitchen with me.

I set her down in the high chair and heated up a bottle of my breast milk. I gave her the bottle and started making breakfast.

I grabbed everything I would need for French toast and got to work. I ate fruit as I cooked. When I was halfway done I threw on some sausage and bacon.

Once everything was done I plated it. I sprinkled powder sugar onto it and sprayed on some homemade whip cream.

I grabbed Kinsley and burped her. I put her in her walker and grabbed mine and Parker's breakfast.

I put them on a tray along with two glasses of orange juice and made my way upstairs with it.

I opened my door and Parker was still asleep. I walked over and set the tray on the bedside table.

I crawled on top of him and started kissing him. I went from his forehead, his cheeks, his chin and then his lips.

I felt him stir and wrap his arms around me. "Mm I could get used to being woken up this way" he said sleepy. This has to be one of his sexiest voices ever.

"Well it's your birthday baby so I wanted to wake you up in a special way" winked.

He just chuckled and opened his eyes.

"I made you breakfast in bed, so come on sleepyhead!" I pulled him up so he was sitting and we ate breakfast together.

"Thanks baby girl, it's amazing" he said pulling me into another kiss.

"You know what would really make me happy?" He asked huskily.

I cocked an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. He leaned forward until I could feel his breathe against my ear.

"You taking a shower with me." He whispered in my ear.

I giggled and nodded. I stood up and pulled him to our bathroom. He smacked my butt and I let out a shriek.

We took a very very long shower and let's just say he's gonna be a happy man all day. I gave him some of my best moves I'll tell ya.


Parker left about an hour ago and everybody was on their way over. I had my music playing through our speakers and it was currently playing one of Parker's albums.

I had gotten dressed in a dark red tube top and black skinny jeans with rips in it. I put on a plush white cardigan to keep me warm. I put on some white Adidas sneakers.

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