Chapter 7

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Leah's POV


2 month time jump

These past two months have been so much fun! I'm well into my second trimester now and my stomach has gotten so much bigger!

Also two weeks ago Parker asked me to move in with him and I of course said yes.

We've been spending a lot of time together now. We even have started discussing baby names, we really want a first and middle name that go great together like Posie Rayne, Mary Ellen, we think those are cute. We also have started getting things for the nursery.

At Parker's, well our, place there are only two rooms. We plan on having a big family one day, so this isn't gonna be our home forever. We have the nursery in the room right next to ours, and we have the layout of it down, after today we can start painting and decorating.

Speaking of today, we find out the gender of our baby and we decided instead of finding out on our own, we were going to do a gender reveal. So the only people who know the gender right now are Corina and Justin.

So right now, we are actually getting ready for it. Corina has been planning this whole thing, and I must say, she's pretty good at keeping secrets. She hasn't told me anything about the reveal.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull me closer.

I giggled and turned around to face Parker.

"Morning pretty girl" man his morning voice was sexy.

"Morning handsome"

He lifted my chin up and kissed me passionately. We pulled away and I just smiled at him.

"So, you ready to find out our baby's gender today?" I asked him while playing with his hair.

"I've been ready, I'm hoping for a girl, so I can spoil her as much as I do you" he gave me a goofy grin.


We finally got ready and the party is in full swing now. A bunch of people I don't know are here along with old friends, family, and today I'm gonna meet Parker's family.

As if on cue I see Parker walking to me with an older couple, and a girl behind him.

"Hey babe I've got some people for you to meet" he said taking my hand in his and walking closer to them.

"Babe, this is Mia, my younger sister"

"Oh my god you're so pretty! Hi!" Mia said giving me a bone crushing hug.

"O-oh hi, thank you" I tried saying through the hug.

"Mia let go, you're crushing her" Parker said pulling her off me.

"Oh my, I'm sorry Leah I'm just so happy to finally meet you! This guy never shuts up about you!" She giggles.

"It's okay Mia, I'm glad I finally met you too."

"Leah, this is my mother Faye and my dad Paul" he said introducing us.

"Dear, you weren't kidding when you said that she's beautiful, darling it's so good to finally meet you!" His mother Faye said hugging me lightly.

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