Chapter 24

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Leah's POV

2 months later

After I got that call two months ago we kicked it into high gear and started packing and getting ready to move.

They declared the house officially ours two weeks later, and we went over to it that day.

We took down measurements of every room so we knew how big our furniture needed to be and all.

We painted every room in the house too. Some were just a repaint and others were a whole new color.

We finally put down the finishing touches on the house today so we were all good to move in there now.

We also sold the apartment and the new owners were kind enough to let us stay here until our house was ready.

I quickly showered before we left. I put my hair into two french braids and pulled a few pieces of my hair out to frame my face.

I walked into the closet and pulled on a bra and panties. I then pulled on see through black tights, a black flowy skirt, and a white plush sweater.

I tucked the sweater in the skirt a little bit. I grabbed my black heeled boots and laced them up.

I went over to my vanity and put on mascara and nude lipstick.

I grabbed my rings and slid them on my ring fingers. And sprayed some perfume on.

Parker came in and kissed me.

"Ready to get going?" He asked.

I nodded and we head out.



Okay baby, you ready to see the finished product?" Parker asked me while holding Kinsley.

"Oh yeah" I smiled. He opened the door and as you walked in the stairs are right there. We put a bench there next to the stairs so you have a place to sit and take your shoes off.

If you walk to the left you'll be in the kitchen, and to the right is the living room.

We walked to the right into the living room and I was really happy with how it had turned out

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We walked to the right into the living room and I was really happy with how it had turned out.

It had a really neutral vide to it, and it was really cozy. I added blue curtains to add a splash of color and I put little Christmas trees on the fireplace.

You know.. since Christmas is my favorite holiday.

 since Christmas is my favorite holiday

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