Chapter 27

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Leah's POV

Two weeks later

It's been two weeks since Parker's birthday and it's the first day of November now. I have been throwing up a lot and I'm worried that I'm pregnant.

I mean obviously I'd be happy because Parker and I want more kids but.. Kinsley is only seven months old, and if I was pregnant that means she would only be sixteen months old when the baby is born. Isn't there like a rule? Like you can't have more babies until the last one has turned two?

I don't know anymore. All I know is today Corina and I are going to CVS to pick up a few pregnancy tests.

I was currently getting ready and Parker was going to stay here with Kinsley. These past five months of being married have been amazing. He's been so sweet and caring with Kinsley and I.

I don't know why I'm so nervous about this. I know he's going to love them like he does our daughter.. ugh fucking nerves!

I put on my sneakers and rings and grabbed my phone and purse before leaving my room.

Parker and Kinsley were in the living room watching some Disney movie.

"Okay baby, I'm leaving I'll see you later." I said walking over and giving him a kiss.

I leaned over and kissed my daughter on her forehead too.

"Bye, have fun. I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too"

I left and drove over to Corina's house to pick her up. I pulled into her driveway and honked the horn.

She came out a few minutes later and got in the car. She reached over and hugged me before buckling up.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked.

"I'm fine.. just a little nervous."

She nodded and thought about what she was about to say. "Do you want to be pregnant?"

That was the million dollar question. I mean on one hand.. no because Kinsley is a handful. But on the other hand..

Yes.. I really do hope that I am pregnant. I want more babies. I want them to have his beautiful blue eyes. His breathtaking smile. His charm. I want a mini Parker.

I looked over at Corina for a second and smiled. "Yeah I do.. I'm just scared"

We pulled up into a CVS and got out of the car. We walked inside and went towards the pregnancy tests. We got a couple of the clear blue brand, since that's the one I took when I found out I was pregnant with my girl.

We paid for them and made our way to the bathroom. I tore open the boxes and peed on three tests, leaving one for later.

I came out of the stall and sat them on the counter while I washed my hands. I grabbed a couple paper towels and threw them away.

"How long until you know?" Corina asked.

"The box said three minutes." I looked at my phone and I still had another minute left.

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