Chapter 19

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Leah's POV


Today is the day of the trial. We've spent all week getting ready for it. Parker's lawyer friend, James, agreed to represent us and ever since we've all been hard at work.

He took a look at our case and said that it's a done deal and we would win. Since Parker's name is on the birth certificate and the fact that Trevor rejected us, he doesn't stand a chance. Not even for partial custody.

Right now I'm finishing putting Kinsley in her outfit. She's wearing a cute little daddy's girl dress, and she has little sneakers on. She looks so adorable! And I put a pink bow on her head for a little sparkle.

Speaking of babies, Corina and Justin had theirs! They names him Bently. He's the cutest stinking baby ever! Well besides mine of course!

Today at court Lily, her husband, Mia, Jordan, Kevin, Faye, and Parker's dad are all coming to support us and just in case we need any witnesses. It would've been great to have Corina and Justin here because they know more about this than anyone else, but it's okay.

Kinsley and I are finished and all ready to go so I pick her up and carry her downstairs and put her in the car seat.

Parker came over to me with the diaper bag and set it down.

"Okay so everyone is meeting at the courthouse and we will meet in conference room 2. We just need to go over what to say and what not to say. Are you ready?" He told me hugging me from behind.

"Yeah, I just hate that we even have to go through this. He never wanted her, so why is he fighting us on this? I don't want to lose her babe, she's my everything, besides you" I said letting a single tear roll down my cheek.

Parker turned me around so I was now facing him and he wiped the tear off my cheek. He cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.

"Baby you listen to me when I say we will never lose our princess! That bastard won't ever touch her or get her!" He said sternly.

I nodded my head and he smiled. He grabbed the diaper bag and slung it over his shoulder and grabbed the car seat. Soon enough we were on the road to the court house.

When we got there everyone was out front waiting for us. Also waiting out front was Trevor and his lawyer. He just glared at us but I ignored it.

We all walked into the conference room and Parker set Kinsley's car seat down on the table. I just sat there kissing her cheeks and rocking her car seat, while listening to what James was saying.

"Okay so from here on, no contact with Trevor. No talking or anything. He can use it here against you. Next, I don't want any of you saying a word unless you're up on that stand! Even then, try and keep calm. Are we all good and understand?" He said looking around at everyone.

We all nodded and then headed to the room where this would all be going down. Parker sat next to James and I next to Parker on the end. Kinsley was next to me in her car seat sound asleep.

After everyone filed in the trial started. Today we would all make our cases and then the judge will call us back here in a few hours to tell us what she has decided.

"Please rise for the judge" one official said.

We all stood and saw the judge come in. She looked mean, but also honest. When she sat down, so did we.

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