Chapter 23

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Leah's POV

4 months later

We have been looking for our new home for four fucking months now! I mean I knew we wouldn't find one right away, but this is just ridiculous!

We did go look at a home last week, and we fell in love with it. I mean it had our dream backyard, an amazing kitchen. The bedrooms were big, and there were enough bathrooms for everybody!

It was a little out of our price range so we put in an offer a little bit lower. We were honestly praying that we got it.

In terms of how my family has been, these past four months as newlyweds have been absolute bliss.

We've been on multiple dates, had a ton of family outings, and have a lot of fun in the bedroom.. a lot of fun.

My family and Parker's have set up family brunches that happen every Saturday. We all get together and just talk about how our weeks have gone.

Mia moved to Nampa a couple months ago she tries to visit as much as she can, but being four hours away and brunches being on Saturdays, she can only come to a couple of them a month.

We all miss her, but are insanely happy for her. Also speaking of work.

Parker got back into the studio last month, it's the first time he's been recording since Kinsley was born.

He's been really inspired and excited to be back. I know he loves us, but I also know how much he loves singing, and I think it's good he's found a healthy balance between us and his work.

I got back to work at the cafe too. I usually bring Kinsley with me or I drop her off at daycare since she's old enough to go now.

My baby is already six months old. I feel like time is going by too quickly. But I take enough pictures and videos to always remind me of how precious this all has been.

Parker and I were getting ready for the brunch that was in a couple hours.

We had breakfast and fed and bathed Kinsley. We put her in her pac and play and went to go eat ready.

I got in the shower and started rinsing my hair when I felt two hands grip my hips gently.

I felt Parker kiss my neck up to my sweet spot behind my ear and suck lightly. I let out a moan and felt his hands grip me tighter.

I turned around and pulled him into a heated kiss. He pushed me against the shower wall and I felt his hands go lower until they landed on my thighs.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist and grinded against him earning a groan from him.

Things got heated and we went at it against the wall. And then again against the counter. And lastly on the bed before we both collapsed.

"Holy shit" I breathed.

I heard him chuckle and I hit him playfully on his chest.

"What the hell is so funny?" I asked.

"Oh nothing.. except my girl is frisky today"

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