Chapter 17

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Leah's POV


I can't believe it's already been two days since I gave birth to Kinsley. She's been such an angel so far.

She's woken up only twice throughout the night so far, but I know as soon as we get home, she's gonna start being fussy.

Parker has not left either of our sides since she was born. He is literally such a great daddy. He always helps me change her diapers or he takes care of her while I nap.

We finally got discharged today. I'm so happy to be leaving this place.. I miss my bed!

I just finished getting dressed, I'm just in a t-shirt and sweats, I can't be bothered dressing up, plus I'm still sore from giving birth. I walked over to Parker and held out my arms for my baby.

After he gave her to me and gently put her on the bed. I changed her dirty diaper and then I put her into her outfit we picked for her to come home in.

Everyone is waiting for us at our home. They set up a welcome home party. At first I was against it, but I finally caved in and agreed.

"Alright, are my girls ready to go home?" Parker asked wrapping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

"Hell yeah, I miss my bed!" I giggled.

I put Kinsley into her car seat and Parker carried her out. I tried to but he said no. When we got to the car he put her in the back seat and then I got in the back with her.

We got home really quick and once we got inside everyone was there. They all gave Parker and I hugs and then they just cooed at our daughter.

I picked her up and rocked her. Everyone wanted to hold her so I passed her around. I heard the doorbell and went over to answer it.

This is really just not the day for him to be here.. dammit!

"Trevor, what the hell are you doing here?" I hissed pushing him towards the porch so I could close the door.

"Well to see my daughter obviously." He said trying to get inside.

"Trevor no! You didn't want to be apart of her life, remember that!? So no, you will never see her or touch her!" I yelled, my motherly instincts coming out.

"Leah I didn't want it to come to this but, if you won't let me see her then I'm taking you to court. And I will get custody of my daughter." He said stepping closer.

Just then Parker came outside and looked pissed.

"God damnit Trevor! Leave us alone!"

"I'll see you in court Leah" He said ignoring Parker.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and I started balling my eyes out. Parker hurried and embraced me into a hug. After I calmed down I went inside.

I walked over to Faye and gently took my baby from her. I just needed to hold her and know she was okay.

"Oh my god, Leah what's wrong?" Corina said her voice laced with concern.

I looked up at everyone and held back my tears. I took a deep breathe before talking.

"Trevor just paid a visit.. and he's taking me to court, for custody of Kinsley" my voice cracked at the end.

Parker came over and hugged us both protectively. Everyone in the room were now mad.

"We won't let that as-, jerk, get your daughter! We'll be witnesses and help you!" Mia said standing up.

Soon after that everyone else stood up too and they all agreed to be here and make sure Trevor doesn't go anywhere near our daughter.


It was 9 o'clock now and I finally got Kinsley to fall asleep. I gently put her in the crib and grabbed the baby monitor. I gently pulled the door close and walked into my room. I set the monitor on my bedside table and laid down.

I closed my eyes and felt the bed dipped, then a pair of arms wrap around me and pulling me close.

I looked up at Parker and a tear fell from my eye.

"Hey hey, shhh, it's gonna be okay baby.. we won't let him take her! You won't loose her!" Parker whispered into my ear.

I fell apart in his arms but calmed down after a few minutes. Just then my phone rang, and I got up and answered it.


"Hi, is this Leah Myers?"

"Yes.. whose this?"

"Hi Leah, this is agent Nelly, I'm working on Trevor Greens case regarding legal custody over his daughter.. and I'm calling to let you know that we have a trial set for April 30 at 9 am."

"Oh umm, o-okay"

"Alright I'll see you then!" And with that she hung up.

I turned around and put my phone back on the table. And I told Parker about the call. Luckily he has a friend in Boston who's a lawyer and he's gonna call him. We only have one week to get this lawyer here, and to get prepared for the trial.

Kinsley started crying so I went in there and fed her, changed her, and rocked her back to sleep. I sat in there for a little while longer just holding my sleeping baby. I finally got back up and went into my room.

This was a good day until HE showed up. I am terrified that he's going to win this case, but everyone said that he doesn't stand a chance because of him rejecting us, to him cheating.

So I'm putting all my faith in God, and hoping he'll get us through this and that we'll make it out with out baby girl.


End of chapter 17!

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