chapter forty-three | | echo

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Rhys and I patrolled the neighborhood, not saying much. My eyes were locked on the gray sky and foggy streets ahead, my spear clutched limply in my hand.

"You alright Storm?" Rhys asks after a minute of silence.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm good." I crack a small smile, "Just feel like something's off."

"Like what?" Rhys pressed her green eyes trained on my face, looking for a hint of emotion.

"Dunno, nothing good though." I sigh. "Maybe we should go back."

Rhys nods, "If that will make you feel better."

Already a pit of anxiety was opening up in my chest, everything telling me to go back but at the same time stay away.

"Augh!" I scream.

Rhys looks petrified beside me.

"Sorry, I just hate this."

"What?" Rhys asks softly.

"My brains telling me to go back but at the same time telling me not to."

Rhys placed her hand on my shoulder and I flinch.

"What?" She looks scared again.

"Sorry, wow I'm apologizing a lot." I joke, "I don't know I don't like people... touching me... um when I'm upset."

"Oh. Ok." Rhys smiles, "That's fine."

"Sorry..." I begin

"Don't apologize." Rhys says, "It's ok to be upset."

"Is it?" I say flashing my bright turquoise gaze on her.

"Yeah, not all the time, but sometimes. It's called being human." She shrugs.

"No shit." I chuckle, "Let's stay, I'm sure everything will sort itself out."

"You better hope so." I mutter, not trying to be rude or anything but the guilt clawed at my chest like a caged up beast. We peek around some houses, grab some food and first aid supplies just to stock up, and make our way down to the small forest outside out house.

"Ok Rhys. This is just a small assessment of your capabilities as a fighter."

"So you want me to fight you?" She asks with a slight tilt of her head.

"Do you want to die? Of course not! You're gonna fight that tree." I point to a small fir growing beside us.

"A tree? I'm offended." She chuckles.

"Yeah, well, don't want to give the others a new wound to worry about right?" I pick up my spear and hurl it at the trunk. It hits dead in the center, splintering the wood.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" Rhys looks to me with wide eyes.

"Self taught." I shrug, "It's the only weapon I can effectively use though."

"I'm good with knives." Rhys says pulling out a couple of rubber hilted throwing knives.

"Let's see it then." I nod and she prepares to throw. Her knives embed themselves in the trunk on either side of my spear and she leaps forward with another clutched in her hand, slashes the bark a few times before jumping back.

"Impressive." I remark grabbing my spear and placing it back in is harness.

"Thanks. I've been practicing." She collects her knives and puts them back in her belt.

"I can tell." I smile, "Come on. We should head back before the sun sets."

"Isn't it like, 2:00?" Rhys walks up beside me.

"Yeah, but I don't see more reason to stay out here." I begin to climb the slope.

"Fair enough." She follows me and together we emerge at the back door of the house. It's oddly silent when we walk inside, the living room empty. I can hear muffled voices coming from upstairs, mixed with the unmistakable sound of crying.

"Did they all just have a break up fest or something?" Rhys comments looking up the stairs.

"No, they're too in love for that." I climb the stairs every creak seemed to echo throughout the house, announcing my presence. The hallway was deserted the crying louder now.

"It looks like it's coming from those rooms." Rhys points to the one down the hall and the one in the middle.

"Yeah.. maybe they did break up." I murmur. That was hard to believe though unless..

"Bella?" I walk over to the middle room and knock on the door. Bella appears in an instant, tears running down her face.

"Echo!" She grabs me and pulls me into her room.

Rhys follows hesitantly closing the door behind us.

"Who's this?" Bella glares at my friend her eyes blazing.

"You remember Rhys, she joined a few days ago." I sat with a nod in her direction.

"I'm Echo's friend." She says from behind me.

"So... my replacement?!" Bella growls.

"What? Bella no!" I exclaim, "You're still my number one..."

"You're lying!" Bella scream and I jump back in surprise. "You're just saying you love me so Lynne will be happy! I've figured you out!"

Rhys grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door. I reluctantly follow trying to ignore Bella's screeching behind me.

"Where do you think you're going?! I'm not done yelling at you yet! Lynne put you up to this didn't she?!" I open the door and Rhys gently pushes me out of the room.

"ANSWER ME!" Bella screams before Rhys shuts the door behind us.

I lean my head against the cool wood and shakily exhale, everything suddenly spinning around me.

Rhys puts her hand on my shoulder and this time I don't jerk away.

"Come on, we should leave her alone for now." My friend begins, "it's obvious she's going through something right now and she needs to be alone."

I nod reluctantly and slowly walk in the direction of my room. I was too scared to scream, to numb to cry, I just close the door behind me and drop down onto my bed. I sigh.

"What the fuck happened to us?"

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