chapter sixteen | | luna

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As children we grow up thinking that love is stupid. Now of course I mean romantical love. Like family love is fine to us, like, "Oh I love my sister, she's the best" kind of love.

And as we grow up and go to school romantical love turned into cuties on the playground. Something that we wanted to stay away from as a whole.

Yet as we grew older and people changed and things happened. Fast forward to our teens and people were having crushes and getting together.

Come middle school and it was nothing but teenage hormones and school girl crushes. But that was everyone else. I was not one for love but rather I was all about my studies.

And yet it was my grandmother, the one who had divorced her husband to be the one to talk to me about love. She was the one to teach me that there's always someone out there for you.

She was the one to teach me that kids can be cruel. It was because they're cruel that you shouldn't act on school girl crushes.

That people will change either for the better or for the worst. It's the people that change for the better that you gotta look for.

The people that change for the good are the ones that you can trust, with anything. But the people that changed for the worst were the ones that needed someone good to help them.

So who really wins there?

I guess love does.

The again my grandmother was the one to say that it only takes a moment, just one, to connect two hearts as one. It was one look that told a story.

It was one look that told a person about another. Just the flicker of the eyes was enough to tell everyone what was going on inside.

The monsters and skeletons all could come out in just a moment, yet in just a moment all the love could come out. This was what she taught me as I grew up.

And that's what I put away and out of the way.


"Shit." I muttered, nearly tripping over my two feet as a walker lunged at me. I quickly gained balance and stabbed the walker in the head with my hunting knife.

Mark and Lisa were doing well in killing walkers, holding their own. The two of them are showing promise of being useful.

"No." I muttered as I stabbed a walker and got my knife stuck in the head of it. Another walker stumbled up to me as I decided against my attempts of pulling my knife free and stand up.

I took a step back and reached to my side only to find my katana not there. My eyes widen as I backup, my back hitting the wall and my hands out in front of me, pushing the walker back by the shoulders as it snapped at me, trying to bite my face.

Just as it leaned close enough to bite my nose it came to a stop. The walker fell to the ground to show Mark, knife in hand, breathing hard as I let go of the walker.

"I think you lost this." He says, holding my knife out to me. I looked to the knife then to Mark before taking the knife from him.

"Thanks." I said, brushing past him and stabbing another walker in the head.

How the Hell could I have been that fucking stupid?!

Breakaway {Markiplier X OC & Lisbug X OC} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now