chapter two | | luna

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What's happened to the world we once knew? The twisted, fucked up, asshole of a world we once lived in? Well I guess the answer is that it's gone. Where did it go? We may never know.

We'll only have memories of the world that we left behind. That world was one that not a lot of people liked. Hell, I didn't even want to be in it, but I'd rather be there then here.

Everyday now is a gift, I guess that's why it's called the present. But the present is not one that I ever wanted for my brother. This new world is one full of death, full of something that seems to be out of nightmares.

But we survived together: my brother and his boyfriend, a pair of sisters and a girl that seems to be as built for this world as I am.

We ran. We fought. We lost. I killed. We survived. It was all for them, for my family.

We ran from the nightmares that hunted us down, but they weren't the real threat. I learned that it was the humans that we had to fear more than what seemed to be nightmares.

It was the humans who could run as fast as we could. It was the living that could gain trust and stab us in the back. Because the humans had emotions, they had thoughts, they had decisions to make.

But some are worse than the other. We killed the Humans, because it was them, who brought the nightmares with them

Not the nightmares we fight everyday and I've come to call walkers. But much rather ones that will haunt us when we sleep. If we sleep that is.

Of course I wasn't one to sleep on a normal bases before this world. So not sleeping to keep watch was not problem to me. Lynne says it's not healthy but there's nothing that'll change that.

On top of me not sleeping Echo and I are the only two that go out on runs which I have no problem with at all. She's much like me and I think that's why we get things done so quick.

There's nothing that we argue about other than the occasional argument about what kind of cat is cuter. But other than that we get along and we've never had a single issue kill us.

We survived because we work together. Because we were a family, a group, a community that we would protect no matter what. I've been with these people since the beginning, and I will take them all the way to the end of the road. 

Breakaway {Markiplier X OC & Lisbug X OC} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now