Once I make it all the way down, I peek around the corner. The maid turns, opening the door to a big furnace. She places the metal suitcases on the floor and throws Ryder's clothing into the furnace. The fire roars angrily as it burns through every item. She closes it, picks up the suitcase, and walks away.

She then continues down the hallway, passing a bunch of doors on both sides. She proceeds to make a left into the last room, where the door has been left open.

My heart is beating a thousand miles a minute. I know I'm crossing the line being down here. It's pretty evident, considering the door to the basement has the hand scanner and no doorknob. However, Ryder never physically said I'm not allowed down here.

I hear a man's voice as I get closer to the door. I creep slowly towards it and turn around making sure no one is behind me. I then put my back against the wall. The door is open enough for me to peek inside.

The maid puts the suitcase on the table and the guy, whom I've never seen before, puts white gloves and a black apron on. I scan the room quickly. The only things in the room are two metal tables. They stand at the center of the room.

"Which one is it?" The man asks as he begins opening the metal case.

"Pinky, Jose. Keep the ring attached to it. Payee wants both as proof of death. Something about the ring always being attached to the guy," the maid says looking at a paper.

What?! What is proof of death? And what did she mean by pinky?

I open the door a tiny bit more to see what is in the metal case. The guy reaches in and pulls something out. I can't tell what it is! If he only moves an inch to the right, maybe I can see...

I almost throw up in my mouth.

The guy pulls out a severed hand. The maid turns back to Jose, handing him a knife and a small sledgehammer. I don't want to stand there to figure out what they are going to do next. Now I know exactly what is meant by pinky!

I run down the hall. I have my hand over my mouth so they don't hear me sobbing. Ryder is an animal! How can he do this to another human being?! No wonder he's covered in blood.

He probably got it cutting the poor man's hand off.

"God!" I yell into my hand. Why did I come down here?!

I am so stupid! Is this what I have to look forward too?! Ryder will kill me and send a piece of me to the person who hired him? Proof that I am dead?

I make my way up the stairs and see a long, green button. I tap at it with a shaky hand looking down. I don't even know if this will open it.

I turn and look down the stairwell to make sure no one saw me. I wipe my tears as I hit the green button again, causing the door to open slightly. I peek out and see no one in the kitchen.

I tiptoe to the library, thankful that no one saw me. I sit on the couch, catching my breath and try to calm myself down.

Didn't Freddie say he only concentrated on one job at a time? Why is he still killing and more importantly, who is the innocent-

"I knew I'd find you here!" Ryder's voice causes me to jump from my seat. I am so deep in thought I haven't realized he has been standing in front of me. Showing no visible emotion.

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