"Anyways, I fell to the floor nursing a bleeding lip. Ryder handed me a tissue and said I would only ever be his best friend. If I ever tried anything like that again, he'd bury me. I've been with him ever since. Well except for when I went away to cooking school and he went off to college. We had always stayed in touch."

"So fast forward a couple of years. I called him and told him I needed a job. He gave me this one, free room and board girl. Excellent pay. I, of course, don't have to cook or clean but I love doing it. He's my only family and we will always take care of one another." Freddie looks around the kitchen and smiles. He puts the knife down and grabs the spatula.

"So I turned into an idiot, again. I tried to kiss Ryder when I first moved in with him. Let's just say he wasn't as nice as before."

"What did he do?!

I am intrigued. I cross my arms and lean closer. This guy is a fountain, spilling all the juicy drama. I love it! It's very entertaining.

"Uh, let's see. He slapped me in the face, held me against the wall and punched me square in the face. He then promised to bury me alongside what was left of his parents."

We both laugh.

"Stop!" I tell him with my mouth wide open.

"I took that lust for him and threw it away real quick, girl," Freddie says as he points to the trash can.

"So he's never been married or anything? No girlfriends?"

I completely forget Freddie is making us breakfast until he slides the plate in front me.

He looks up and starts to think. "Not that I know of. And he's certainly never brought them home. I'm sure when he's away, for work, he gets his kicks."

That piques my interest. "He goes away for work?"

"Yeah, don't tell him I told you, but he stalks his victims for days, sometimes weeks, before he strikes. I know that sounds horrible but it's true. He did the same with you."

Weird that his last statement didn't creep me out. "Well, I guess while I'm here he won't be leaving. Since I'm his current job and all."

Freddie turns to the stove. "Maybe,' he says shrugging his shoulders.

"So what's this other job? He says he runs a company?" I cut into the omelet.

"Believe it or not, he owns Boeing. As in the airplane. Don't tell him I told you!"

"What?" I laugh. "Are you serious? Why has he never been on the news or internet? A man with that much power would leave a trace somewhere." I put a fork full of eggs into my mouth.

Freddie is about to take a bite of his omelet but instead puts the fork down. He then puts his hands on his hips wearing an expression of shock. "Are you kidding me? Dashing CEO by day, vicious assassin by night. Don't you think someone would've caught onto him by now?"

I think about it. A reasonable statement.

"He actually has a president who runs the company and that person runs everything by Mr. Forñay."

I look at him confused.

Freddie notices my puzzling look and smiles."It's Ryder's last name, sweetie."

After a fact-filled breakfast, I head upstairs to get dressed.

I pass by Ryder's room and decide to look around since he's gone. I reach out for the door handle. There isn't one. "Shit! I forgot about this stupid handprint thing," I say out loud.

I walk into my room and head straight to the closet. I wonder if I'll find some nice clothes in here to go out. As I search I realize there's nothing but autumn clothing.

We are in California, where it's always hot or a little cool outside. Why would he put warm clothing in here?

I decide on black jeans, a white t-shirt, and some black flats. I don't want to suffocate outside.

I shower and head back downstairs.

Finding a stack of magazines near the front door, I figure I will wait for Ryder here. I look through the stack of papers and find the L.A. Times.

There, on the bottom right is a small picture of me. It says to turn to page four. Excitedly, I do just that. I begin to read.

"Heiress Samantha Hallowell has been missing for more than three weeks now. No ransom demands have been made thus far. One source from the night of the annual Hallowell Gala said he saw someone carrying a large bag through the kitchen at around 8 pm. When police went to view the security video, none could be found. It appeared someone may have tampered with the video evidence. Samantha's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Hallowell, have put out a fifteen million dollar reward for information leading to their daughter being found."

My parents are looking for me! This is horrible.

I'm sitting here waiting to be taken to lunch, by my captor, and they are still searching for me. I'm not even 100% sure he isn't going to hurt me.

I just sit on a chair and wait for Ryder to come home. Since we ended on such a positive note last night, he will let me go.


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