The stranger is tan and looks like he's built by the gods. He has big, broad shoulders and his chest and arms are huge. The first couple of buttons on his white shirt are undone.

I look around the room. This definitely isn't my bedroom or any room I have ever been in. Every single item in here is either black or white. It all looks cold, like the person sitting in front of me.

"What do you want then? I'll give you whatever you want. Just don't hurt me. I beg you," I say with a calm but shaky voice.

The man starts to look me up and down. He then swallows hard as his eyes rest on my chest. Oh no, I tell myself. I pray he isn't sick and wants to rape me!

My dress isn't exactly appropriate. His eyes skim everywhere that is exposed. The biggest area is obviously my chest. I regret not wearing a bra and I don't exactly have small boobs. I slowly wrap my arms around myself.

He gets up, puts his gun in his holster and walks towards me. I put my hands out and close my eyes, preparing for the attack.

Instead, he walks right by me. "I'm not going to touch you."

I'm scared to open my eyes.

"Here's your breakfast. Eat it," he says it calmly but coldly. I then hear the sound of metal hitting metal.

I open my eyes and turn around. My would-be killer is standing next to a table. Sitting on the table is a tray with food and drinks. The stranger's arms are crossed over his chest, showing no emotion. His arms are so massive that they threaten to rip through his shirt.

"Are you holding me for ransom?" I ask barely audible. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and cautiously look around. I don't know what is going on. He doesn't want my money but wants to make sure I eat? That makes no sense!

He looks at me up and down again. "There's fresh clothes in the closet, behind you. Do not try to escape. If you do, I won't think twice about putting a bullet in your head!"

I gulp.

He isn't giving me an answer but wants to bark orders? No way would he bully me around!

"No! I won't do anything you tell me! I want to go home," I say turning towards the closest door.

I turn back around and my kidnapper is now standing right in front of me. I scream! I didn't even hear him walk towards me.

"You will get out of those clothes! You are showing too much skin! Do you understand what I am saying?" He asks angrily.

I look at him as tears pool in my eyes. I nod and look down frightened. He walks by me and leaves the room, slamming the door shut and locking it.

I wait a minute before making any movement. When I am sure he is gone, I run towards the door and grab the handle.


I start to cry. Why? What did I do to deserve this?

I turn and run to the window. There isn't a way to open them. I look out and see that I am in the middle of, what looks like, a forest. Nothing but trees.

I look around for a weapon.


I see the tray of food and notice the butter knife. I grab it. Walking back to the window, I stab it a couple of times, wanting it to shatter. Nothing happens! Not even a crack.

I look around for something else to throw at the window. Something bigger. I spot it!

The chairs! It is made of black wood but it should be enough to cause some damage. For sure this would shatter the window.

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