I finish getting ready and look at myself in the mirror. My life really is beyond perfect and I am so blessed. I have the best parents, obsessed with my job, and I am engaged to a man whom I love very much.

The only thing missing are my grandparents. Grandpa Phil died four years ago. He had a heart attack. Grandma Lucille went that very same week, of a broken heart. I missed them both so much!

Grandpa always told me that the love of my life would come unexpectedly and I would have to fight for it. If it was what I wanted, I should fight tooth and nail and not let anyone intervene. I guess he was talking about Max.

When I first met Max, I couldn't stand him. We met when I was playing assistant for my Dad. His assistant up and left without notice. Mom was skilled at making any female employee, around Daddy, want to quit.

I had just finished college and had no idea what I wanted to do in life.

The paper company where Max worked was signing a contract with my Dad. I noticed Max kept staring at me. He invited me later on that day for lunch.

He kept complaining about how rich people made him sick. That they should practice being more humble. Max would always make it seem like having money was a disease.

I guess that's what made me want to start a friendship with him. He didn't care about my wealth or popularity. Max didn't want anything from me.

Some years went by and one night we got drunk and he kissed me. The rest is history.

I look down at my engagement ring. It's a simple two carat, three stone engagement ring. It's very cheap but it means so much to me. Maxwell didn't grow up in luxury but he lives the best way he can and I admire that.

How did I get so lucky?

Later that night we arrive at Chateau Hallo.

My parents own this venue. They own a lot of properties in and around California.

Daddy helps me out of the limo, while the valet helps Mom.

Moments later we step into the massive ballroom. Everything is as beautiful as I had envisioned it.

The luxurious clothed-draped tables were neatly arranged and decorated with candles and flower bouquets. The white gang c nun. Uggh n c silverware and plates gleam under the soft glow of lights. The flowers are arranged to look like the Puerto Rican flag. They are part of the centerpieces on each table. The arrangements are made by yours truly. I am really proud of myself!

All the proceeds for tonight's dinner are going to the state of Puerto Rico.

Hurricane Maria came and destroyed everything in its path, taking countless lives. Months had passed and so many people were still left in the dark with little to no food or water. We wanted to do our part.

Mom and Dad are grabbing champagne from a server when I see Max and his parents. I wave at them. I grab Daddy by the arm and point towards Max.

We begin our approach when someone bumps shoulders with me. I wince in pain and grab onto my shoulder. It's a man dressed in a black suit. He's wearing dark sunglasses and has a sour look on his face.

Odd, I tell myself. It's dark outside and this weirdo has on sunglasses.

Did he really not see me?! The guy didn't even bother to say sorry. I turn and open my mouth but no words come out. He's gone!

I look around, scanning the area. How rude, I tell myself. Daddy looks at me confused and turns around. I guess he didn't see what happened.

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