The Search for Origins (1)

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Hey Everyone it's Carpboy009 here.

If this Chapter seems rushed that's because it's the first part I'm rushing. I've put this story on hold for too long that I've lost my touch at actually being able to decently write a good story. So from now on I'm putting a good portion of focus on it.

Sorry about the rushed beginning in this chapter but I've put this idea on hold for so long that I just couldn't wait anymore. Anyway enjoy the read.

With that. Read on.

This is a fanfiction, buy the MERCHENDICE!


This one sentence could be heard clear across to the city of vale. Goodwich was pissed. And not just the 'teacher catching a student vandalizing the school' pissed. Like 'a mother who just watched their son call her a (insert very horrible name here) right to her face and then crashed her car into her place of work' kind of pissed. Her anger being focused on one Atlas Military General who was busy getting the final preparations for the machine ready.

"I'm sorry that you think what I did was wrong but it was necessary." The general calmly stated. He didn't even flinch when Teams RWBY and JNPR including Ozpin all gave him an angry look all at once. "This was the only way to keep him from escaping. We are close to getting this complete. This will change the world to make it safer. Why can't you see that?" he said but then turned his attention to a scientist tending to the subject. "Is the subject ready for the experiment?"

"That SUBJECT has a NAME!" Yelled Ruby from her spot in the auditorium. With the other students 'So not to disturb the scientists', in the words of the General, were all watched by soldiers, wrists bound and in a group together. They were at least given chairs to sit in instead of being on the ground.

Yang was the next to talk. "Here's a question. Remind me again WHY we have to be like this and WHY you need Nate so badly?" she asked with her eyes starting to turn red with anger. Literally.

"Because Miss Xio Long." Ozpin said from where he was standing. "It was the only way to keep not only Atlas and Vale on good terms but to keep the General from sending his army to my doorstep in search for Mr. Drake. Even though he decided to do so without my approval regardless. By the way General." He put emphasis in the name. "Please tell me you gave my colleague medical attention before hand since you were so inconsiderate as to SHOOT him off of a moving bullhead." Ozpin said and it was clear as day that he was holding back his anger of the whole situation. they even saw him grip his cane so hard they thought it would break like glass.

"To put you at ease Ozpin, My medics were able to stop the bleeding and keep him stable. He will wake up after the experiment as if nothing happened. Until then I'm keeping him asleep for the experiment to to start." The Ironwood's attention then turned to Winter Schnee. "Secure the perimeter. I don't want any prying eyes."

"Yes Sir." She said. She turned to the unconscious form of Drake in the chair. A look of sympathy crossed her face noticed by her sister and the other students but then she left to fulfil her duty.

"Sir." A scientist said gaining the General's attention. "The machine is operating at 100% ready to launch the experiment."

"Thank you. Begin when ready." He stated calmly.

"General Ironwood." Ozpin Called out. "I hope that this doesn't come back to haunt us. I and I hope that when Mr. Drake wakes up he doesn't, in his own words, 'kick the crap out of you'." He said more of a warning than a comment that the General didn't pick up on.

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