Job Offer Gone Bad

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Nathan Drake was limping his way through the train cars, practically running for his life for real this time. He had just gotten into an argument turned deadly when his friend turned enemy Harry Flynn shot him in the abdomen. As Nate was running he could hear his attempted killer shout "PUT IM OUT OF HIS MISERY!" and then the repeated stomps and sprinting steps of the privet army of Lazarevic. As Nate ran through the cars on the track, he could feel his body getting more and more tired. His leg gave out at some point and he fell, leaning on a train chair. He tried taking several more steps but ended up falling on the floor of the car. He crawled his way to the corner of the train. His shirt now a bloody mess.

Nate Grabs his pistol from his holster. Knowing this would be his final stand. Nate then sees a pile of propane tanks sitting in the opposite corner of the car. Getting what seems to be his last stupid idea he slowly aims for the tanks. "Here goes nothin." He speaks weakly and fires the gun. The following explosion causes the entire train to rumble. And that rumbling turned into sliding off the tracks. And that turned into the entire train car tumbling and rolling down a hill. All Nate felt after the final tumble was one loud crash against the ground and then darkness.


Nate was looking out the window of the classroom. He had just been remembering what happened on his adventure to the ancient city of Shamballa. This was a perfect opportunity since the students were all arguing about what was told in his story earlier. An argument about how an anti-air battery can't be fired on a train because of physics and all that. Nate didn't care because he was too busy being deep in thought. However, he wasn't aware that the arguing had stopped when Goodwitch dropped another stack of large books to get the attention of the class with Drake as the exception. Drake shook his head when he heard the voice of Ruby shouting his name to get his attention.

"Huh!? Oh... sorry. What's up?" He asked in a panic afraid they knew what he was thinking about.

Ruby could be seen at the desk with her team mates. "What do you mean? Finish the story! You got on the train with Elena's help. You fought the mercinaries and the Hel-i-coptor? And then you finally found Chloe. What happened next!?" She asked with as much excitement as a 4-year-old on a sugar rush.

Nate was just imagining that part of the story. He wasn't sure if he should tell that part of the tale. It was pretty graphic. Not only that but it would probably get him a lot of questions that he didn't want to answer. Most of them would be about his 'relationship' with Chloe. he kept most of the details hidden but some were getting suspicious. That was old news and in the past. Nate was trying to think of either an excuse or get ready to continue when suddenly the bell rang. It was the end of the school day.

"AAAWWWHHHAAHAAAHHHH!" was the only thing heard. All the students were all groaning that the story had to stop where it did. But not heard by anyone was Nate chuckling under his breath "Saved by the bell."

Goodwitch and Ozpin motioned for Nate to properly excuse the class. That was something that Nate had been talked to having to do since the last class Goodwitch had to do it. "Ok, ok, I know you wanted to hear more but there's always next time. What is it today Friday?" Ozpin nodded. "Friday. So that means that Monday we'll continue from there got it?" he was met with plenty of enthusiastic "YEPS!" and "YEAHS!" one by one the students left the classroom. The only people that remained sitting down were the teams of RWBY and JNPR. Nate figured that they had some more questions or just wanted to talk. Not that he didn't mind but there was also this Ironwood General walking over to him. Accompanied not to far behind by Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch. Nate still didn't know how to feel about him yet but he still wanted to keep his suspicions kept secret from the man in case he did have something up his uniform sleeves.

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