A School Workout with Robots

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I know I was gone for a while but i'm still Here! I've just been busy with a lot of stuff. Can't really say cuz most of it is personal but here I am with CHapter 12 as promised.

So this is where the story changes a bit for the sake of plot formation.

I don't necessarily want this to take place during the plot of RWBY. Well not fully. I started thinking about what kind of technology could exist in this world. After doing a little research (which I got bored after fifteen minutes) I didn't find anything other that what was on the show. So I decided to think of my own kind of tech that could exist in this universe. That being... you'll find out. Let me know what you think. And tell me if you like it or not. And if you don't well... if I'm up to it I'll change the story. But most likely not.

You know give the story a little spice and drama for all the characters including Nathan Drake. SO I'm done with this small preview.

Let me know if you'd like these to know more about what is happening in the story or others. ON WITH THE STORY...

This is a Fanfiction, BUY THE MERCHENDICE!

"So let me understand what you are suggesting. You are suggesting that I hand over a man who seems to be of interest to you for your so called 'experiments'? I'm sorry councilmen but I cannot comply with your request." Ozpin sat in his desk. On the desk was a hologram of several people all blacked out so only the silhouettes were visible. He was talking to the high council. A group of individuals who watch over and make the laws of the four kingdoms. "it would not be in the best interest of the school or it's students."

One of the silhouettes, a man with a husky voice, began to speak. "What do you mean not in the school's best interest? This man according to your reports has no aura. That and how you say that this man may not be from any part of the world that we know of is only more so that we get these experiments underway." He was voicing his opinion with much persistence. You could tell that they had thought a lot about this.

"I'm sorry but I cannot do that. According to the laws that cannot be changed, 'The Council cannot interfere with the development of any academy student and/or teacher.' So by law I am required to deny your request." Ozpin then took a sip of his coffee knowing what would happen the next second.

"WHAT!?" was one of the voices. This time it was an old lady like voice. "You gave this man a position at your school without confirming it to us! This is unacceptable Ozpin! An unknown running around on your watch and you gave him safe haven!?" She was clearly furious. So were the other council members but they had their opinions already spoken for them.

"Of course. He'd attracted my interest, so I gave him a test to see if he was worthy of a spot in my school. He passed, though with not as high a score as I had liked." He paused a second to take a sip of coffee. "I'm sorry council, but according to law he is permitted to be free from any council interference." He showed no emotion but he did feel a smirk growing but kept it hidden.

"We will discuss this later. For now, we have other business to attend too. Councilmen we need to discuss more about this White Fang situation. Ozpin we will speak at a later date."

The hologram vanished from the desk and Ozpin sat back in his chair resting his head from that migraine of a discussion. He had to discuss the sudden appearance of Nathan Drake at his school. He did not share much personal info about him, just who he was and what he does. But without wanting to he had to tell how he had no aura or semblance at all. That led to many questions and then offers to take him into custody to be experimented on. Try to find the source of him not having any, or try to do something even he couldn't think of. The worst part is that the machine that Atlas technicians have been making was in the final phases before testing. And he was afraid that they would try to get Drake as the test subject.

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