Apologies and Origins

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"So, you girls mind telling me why you're sneaking around stalking me all day?"

The members of Team RWBY were frozen in place as they had a stare down with the newest professor of Beacon Academe. Yang was still grabbing Weiss' shoulders while she was making no attempt removing her grip. Blake was standing in an almost paranoid stance while ruby was of utter shock at how he had noticed them.

Ruby tried to speak for her teammates. "Uh-W-well... we were just wanting to... ask a few questions about today's lecture! Yeah, that's it." She sounded like she was reassuring herself more than Drake.

"Right... like what?" Nate asked with a look telling the red hooded leader that he wasn't believing her.

"W-well we wanted to know if we could get a hint for the paper you assaig-" she was cut short when Nate started making "ah bab bab!" noises.

"Ok, first of all that's a lie. two, all of you wouldn't have been following me around if you wanted to ask a single question, and three, I heard Yang here shouting 'REALLY!?' from the top of her lungs. So skip the stories and just tell me the truth."

All the girls looked at each other until Blake gave a defeated sigh. "We were wanting to know more about you. We hardly know anything other than what you told us already and I guess we couldn't just ask in class. Personally I still want to find some proof that we can trust you. A new teacher joining a school in the middle of the first semester is odd enough. And, no offence, but a teacher with NO aura who had no clue what all the basic knowledge of the world is? You had no idea what dust was, what a semblance was, Aura, Grimm, you didn't even know what Huntsmen and Huntresses were! So why would Ozpin after only after your arrival from wherever you came from decide to make you a teacher!?" Blake was getting worked up at this point to the point where she was borderline yelling. Meanwhile unknown to anyone Ruby was looking around at everyone like she wanted to say something but bit it back.

All Nate did was nod his head in understanding with a little bit of a thoughtful face. "I've been meaning to ask him the same thing. In less detail, but pretty much the same thing."

Ruby at the wrong time decided to get what she was thinking off her mind. "Is it true?"

Looking at Ruby Nate was confused with what she asked. "Is what true?"

"That you're looking for your wife and friends. Is it true?"

Nate took a step back in shock at how she knew about that. Then he remembered the conversation with Ozpin and Goodwitch earlier that day. He sighed with a slight smile on his face. "Yep, so I guess you heard that little argument huh?"

All the girls shared a look with each other all thinking the same thing. Weiss said, "We have been following you around the school wanting to know more about your past. Would it be appropriate if we asked you some questions about it?" the way she talked and looked you could mistake her for an actual princess.

"Yeah. After listening to your story in class it just makes me want to hear more about it. It may not be all that epic in some parts but the thought of exploring the world for ancient lost treasure? Ancient cities? It's what you'd expect from an old Huntsmen legend!" Ruby exclaimed.

"She's right." Yang was showing her excitement. "Just from what you told us today about getting chased by mercs, getting shot at around every corner, and I can only assume you get the girl~" she winks at Nate who only gave a raised eyebrow look before showing her his ring. "So far your life sounds like my kind of thriller!" as she says this she pounds her fists together.

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