Teaching Through the Past (1)

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Ok so I had just got an idea (Mainly from one of you guys) That I should have done in the first place.

Sad thing is that due to me never having an account so I can post these stories. I've already written like 20 chapters of this ahead of time. But it's OK. It doesn't mean I can't add more too it. It just means that I'm gonna have to move a few things here and there to have everything make sense as well as entertaining.

For now this chapter and a couple others will be about Nate's new position in the school. He isn't a super monster slayer badass or superhero that will instantly save the day. (By the way thanks for reminding me) He is just a man Who (unknowingly) Is in a complelty new world trying to get home. At some point I'm gonna try to add him running off on the uncharted adventures that we all know and love but until I can successfully move stuff around I'm gonna be doing a lot of editing so it will take time.

That and since finals are literally tomorrow I'm studying my ass off but still making time. With this being my senior year I'm also gonna have to give up my laptop back to the school which means I'm not gonna be updating for a while. The computer at home doesn't have Microsoft word, which is what I use to write so it won't open any of the previously made chapters for me to edit. So unless I can quickly download that and get internet that isn't off my phone, it's gonna be a little while before I can upload another chapter.

Give me a month, tops. I should figure it out by then. I need to update the damn thing anyway.

Alright with that out of the way I hope you guy's enjoy the next chapter.

This is a Fanfiction, BUY THE MERCH!

Nathan Drake woke up in a new bed then he did yesterday. This bed was almost twice as big but roughly the same on comfort. He looked up with tired eyes to find him in a teacher's dorm on the other side of campus from the student dorm, where he slept the night prior. He sat up and rubbed his face down. Last night was crazy long.

Yesterday in the afternoon he was hired on the spot as a teacher for Beacon Academe. He knew that every time he would think about it, it only sounded crazier and crazier every time. But he knew that it was better to try to find Elena and the others if he was here than trying his luck on his own in a country that he had no idea about. Even if he hadn't been into town outside of the school he knew that this wasn't any country that he knew of. Basically all he knew was he was somewhere that spoke English and had four kingdoms. A place that had monsters running around, that were apparently called 'Grimm'.

"UHHH!" He laid back down on the bed not wanting to get up. Last night sucked. He spent the entire time being explained about almost everything here. He wrote down everything in his notebook that took up almost half of the book itself. He still couldn't remember hardly any of what he talked about last night with the professors here. Long story short, it was brutal on him. "ok Nate. Huh... here we go." He stood up and grabbed his gear. Put on his holster, his .45 Para, his small pack attached to his belt, grabbed his phone and his flashlight and took both notebooks and he was ready.

He left his room and locked the door. He walked through the building and didn't find anyone walking. He checked his watch. 8:45 AM. He had fifteen minutes until classes start. "Ok. So I need to go to Oobleck's class. He'll teach his history class then afterwards several classes are supposed to walk in and then I teach mine. huh... I better start working on my improve."

Nate walked into the classroom with five minutes to spare. Oobleck was at his chalk board with a map on the wall. There were several students who were there early as well but were gathering their notes. "Ah, Professor Drake! Ready to learn how to teach a class of students?"

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