A Day On the Town (2)

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If you were to ask Nate if he had ever run around a city he had no knowledge about he'd probably say yes. And, once again in his life, that was exactly what was happening now. After a quick introduction to the now known sister of Weiss Schnee, the situation quickly turned into them trying to Arrest Drake for absolutely nothing... ok maybe for beating up a restaurant owner but other than that, for NOTHING!

So now with students running with him side by side Drake found himself in yet another chase. But this time against a small three man team of soldiers... That had somehow quickly turned into twenty or more. He lost count. "can't go one week without running from someone can I?!" he says aloud. "Ok, you kids get back to the school they're only after me. I'll meet you there later ok?" he said.

RWBY and JNPR all shouted "WHAT?!" as they ran. "We're not leaving you behind!" when they made a turn into an alley way. the soldiers including Weiss and Winter all ran past the alley without looking through. When they were out of ear shot Ruby then turned back to her teacher. "If we go they're going to catch you! Let us distract them instead. If they catch you they're going to strap you to that... that... mind reading thing!" she exclaimed.

"Nathan, she's telling the truth. If you get caught they'll be able to finish the production of that thing. But right now I'm more concerned why Weiss is helping them." She said as it came to everyone else in the room.

"Well she is that woman's sister right?" asked Yang. "Makes sense to me. Plus, I don't think she's on her side. She gave me a quick wink before everything went south. I bet she's trying to lure them away while we escape. Even if she is her sister, Weiss knows that this whole thing is bad business. She wouldn't risk letting something like that be made for anyone." Yang surprisingly sounded like she made sense of the whole situation.

"I know, I know. Like I said though they're after me. Which means you kids can get back to the school. Look here's the plan. All of you make a break for the school. I'll stay low down here until they give up the search. I can stay over at the docks we passed by a while ago. If I have to I'll stay over night. Besides If you kids aren't back by 10, Goodwitch will kill me anyway. If you're absolutely sure about wanting to help me, you'll do this. Got it?" he asked. All the students at once gave their own reasons as to why they should stick togather. "No, I'm not going to have getting a bunch a kids arrested by military jerk offs be on my conscience got it? All of you are going back to the school. I'll be back later or by tomorrow morning ok?"

The students remained silent. Juane suddenly askes. "What should we do if they catch you? If they tie you up in that machine that general was talking about?"

Drake thought about it for a moment. "I'll think of something. But whatever you do don't let anyone else know that you know about it. They might throw you in there when they're done with me. Now get a move on. I'll see you all later." He said as he got up and started jogging to the end of the alley way. he made a quick scan of the area and bolted towards an alleyway that would lead him to the docks.

Meanwhile the other students were all still standing there. "He just wants us to just go back to school? Like that's happening!" Yang shouted with her arm in the air.

"Yeah!" exclaimed Ruby. "He's trying to protect us but who's protecting him? It's up to us to help him out!"

"I don't know guys. I mean think about it. We know top secret Atlas info. If we tried to help they might assume that we know and capture us anyway. Then again if we let them capture him..." She paused. "We need to help in any way we can." She said again.

"So what's the plan?" asked Ren.

Juane took lead for the first time. "We need to know where at the docks Professor Drake is going to hide. That way we can see if we can either lure them away or keep them from going there at all. Or at the very least be able to get him time to escape and find somewhere else."

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