Teaching Through the Past (2)

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Nate looked at his class. All aware that he was remembering the story behind Shamballa through his eyes. His eyes themselves told stories of things that cannot be unseen. They told of the adventure, the thrill, the excitement. But they also told of the danger, the loss, and things that were impossible to happen, happened. He looked at his class and began to tell his story.

"Well... I guess I should start from the beginning..." He gazed at the class giving off an experienced feeling that he wasn't aware of. But all the students and even the teachers could feel that this man had seen and done things that they could only dream of. That made them all, even Weiss and Blake, want to listen.

"I was sitting on a beach back in the Caribbean where I was on... vacation I guess you could say. I was just enjoying my time alone thinking and then out of nowhere an old friend pops up. Harry Flynn. He walks up behind me and leans on the bar and says in his unmistakable British accent "Buy me a drink sailor?" We talk for a minute before he gets to the point of trying to find me. He brings out a file with a broacher for a museum in city of Istanbul. Now this may not be much to people like you, but to the black-market it's a Thief's dream. Now before you go all 'Oh I was right your nothing but a low-life thief' princess, let me tell you I wasn't for it." Weiss looked at Nate with a mad look. He really wasn't trying to piss her off, that was Nate being Nate. But she didn't dare speak. As much as she didn't want to admit it she was fixed on his story as much as everyone else.

"Now this museum had robbers try it before but they didn't get very far once they got what they were after. I personally knew two people who died trying to rob the place. So then I another 'friend' of mine comes out of nowhere again. Chloe Fisher. They both bring out a picture of an oil lamp... That's it. They were willing to risk getting killed or thrown into prison for life over an oil lamp. So what they did next surprised me. They brought out copied papers of Marco Polo's journals. Said they 'barrowed it from the nutcase they were working with to find it.' It talked about the location of the lost ships of his exploration fleet "would be revealed in the light of the great Kahn." He looked around "Now for everyone who doesn't know. Marco Polo was one of the greatest explorers in the world! He was the one who originally found Shamballa. But hid all evidence of it. but I'll get into that later."

Everyone in the classroom was completely taken in by his words. Everyone Including the members of Team RWBY could see the passion that he was putting into telling the story. He moved and talked with so much emotion that it was obvious that he wasn't just some thief in it for treasure, or some mercenary for hire. He was someone who appreciated history. Maybe more than Oobleck. And someone who, if he wanted, would go through great lengths to discover the history behind the world. Everyone was continuing to listen to Nate's Tale.

"Now, after a few weeks of planning, no more time to second guess myself and getting convinced to keep going. We finally went off to steal this stupid oil lamp. An oil lamp! That's what all the trouble was for!" Nate was throwing his arms in the air for dramatic affect.

Yang spoke up after. "Wait, what was so important about a lamp?"

Nate looked at yang. "I'm getting to that." He then went back to addressing the entire room as she huffed in annoyance. "Well, after we break in and knock out a few guards, we made it to the room with our lamp. Now, remember what I said about the location of Marco Polo's fleet "would be found in the light of the great Kahn"? Well this oil lamp was a gift to Marco Polo from an emperor named Genghis Kahn. So what do we do? We end up smashing the oil lamp. One that was over 800 years old! What do we find? A blank sheet of paper." Nate paused looking around watching the confused faces of the students and teachers. "But!" He said gaining everyone's attention again. Even startling a few kids. "there was something else we found. Resin. After a bit of thinking we get to burning the resin and it emits off a beautiful blue flame. And with that new light in the room that paper we found showed hidden writing that could only be seen with the that kind of light. I still remember it clear as day. 'Our ships were driven by a great flood tide into the wilds of Java. As of the ocean itself sought to throw off the terrible cargo we carried from Shamballa- the curse of the Cintamani'."

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