welp... I've been gone a while

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Okay... i'll admit I've been gone for about a good few months. to be fair... no one can do anything all the time. I've been experimenting with a few things. for example I started a youtube channel. if you really care enough to check it out the link will be at the end of the chapter. 

I also got a new job and will be busy but not as busy as I've been these last few months. only reason I started the youtube thing was because I had writiers block and didn't think of anything other than walking around town to pass the time. 

Either way i'm back for now and if you hadn't noticed i'm going to be focusing on some stories that haven't had my attention for a good while. like this one for example. now I've had enough time to ponder what to do since the last chapter and I've already written down most of it. don't be surprised if the next chapter of this gets updated after a couple days of this being up or... I don't know, right after this if I pull an all nighter.

Anyway I know some of you have been waiting for this and others have been waiting for the others to get finished so hang with me, i'll keep em coming here eventually. I've got more on my plate now than I usually do.

Thank you guys for waiting, If you guys have anything to say don't be afraid to talk or comment, i'm reading every comment I get when i'm on here so don't be afraid to give me critisizm or... I don't know, say hi.

With that, thank you guys so much for waiting and i'll talk to you guys later/

YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVtHhyMXOPACEr8C3d4KoAg

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2018 ⏰

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