One Last attempt

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"My, My, Mister Drake sure is late." Goodwitch commented looking out to the pathway from Ozpin's Office. "I'm just glad that the General finally left when he couldn't find him. By the way how did he get here? I thought he always takes work wherever he goes?... Professor Ozpin?" Goodwitch turned to her boss who was sitting on his desk with his hands over his head. Mumbling to himself. d

"Miss. Goodwitch. When Mr. Drake gets back tell him to meet me in my office As soon as possisble." He said looking up reaching for his mug of coffee.

"Professor?" she asked confused.

"He did nothing wrong. Other than the obvious act of beating a man senseless in front of the public. However, I fear that Ironwood will be back. And I doubt we'll be able to stop him from getting what he wants." He confessed the took a drink of his coffee.

"Yes sir, I know it is immoral of me to ask but what kind of memories do you think he will find? As much as I go against the idea I am curious about it. Maybe his stories are very true, not that I'm saying otherwise, but I feel he left out more details than just what he said. Other than that I feel like there is much, much more to 'Nathan Drake' than he leads on." She spoke as she looked out the window again seeing a bullhead appear on the landing pad.

"I do not know. Maybe he will only see enough to get the machine operational. Or maybe he will play some sick game and want to learn his entire life. Either way I don't want anymore to do with it than I already am. The council will not stop bugging me to allow Drake into their custody so they say I 'forced their hand'. All in all no one other than us two know that Nathan came from another world thanks to this." He said as he pulled out the white crystal from his desk. The same crystal that Nate found when he came here. "Whatever made him be sent here has something to do with his memories and this crystal. I still fear when we have to tell him the truth of his whereabouts." He finished.

"That may be sooner than expected." Goodwitch explained as she saw the subject of their conversation exiting the bullhead and jogging towards the dorms.

Nathan Drake had a long night.

From constantly dodging and weaving away from soldiers, to having to silently knock out a few to get past, to eventually having to climb several building to escape a few chases. He finally made it to the morning when the bullheads would arrive and disperse to the school. By then the soldiers had all packed up and left. He made it through the night with only minor property damage.

Nate was now on his way to his dorm room in the teachers building. He passed several students to which he gave either a quick wave or a tired nod. When he made it to his room he quickly went in and locked the door. He leaned against the door breathing in slow breaths because of how tired he was. He walked up to his nightstand and dumbed all the contents on his person on it. He walked to his closet to where he was reminded that it was empty. "son of a bitch..." he mumbled when he remembered that all the clothes he bought for himself were lost when running away from the soldiers. He just turned around and plopped on his bead. It was Sunday so he had the day to himself. He was just going to sleep last night away until he was ready for his next crazy adven-

*knock, knock, knock, knock*

"UUUGGHHEEAA! GOD DAMMIT!" He mumble/yelled into his pillow.

More knocking came from the door. "No housekeeping!" he yelled hoping they would go away. More knocking. "Ninguém casa ir embora!" He yelled in Portuguese trying to make them go away. A moment of silence allowed Nate to sigh to himself as he rested his head on the pillow. Suddenly and endless amount of knocking came from the door. This lasted for several seconds until Nate yelled. "ALRIGHT, alright I'm coming! Jesus. People all day today." He mumbled the last as he slowly got up. He slowly walked to the door to unlock the door and open it. The sight he found slowly confused him until all the eyes present started to look directly at his. "What are you kids doing here?" he asked.

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