Beginning of Journey's End

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It was finally time.

Nathan Drake. Explorer, adventurer, treasure hunter, occasional Casanova, was about to uncover the hidden tomb that holds the fabled 'Lost Treasure of Nadir Shah' otherwise known as 'The Lost Treasure of Afghanistan'.

"Nadir Shah of Persia swept through Afghanistan into India. After ransacking and plundering it's capital of Delhi and its Mughal emperors, it is said that he took and moved the equivalent of three hundred years of wealth westward over the Hindu Kush into his kingdom of Persia. Nadir Shah's Treasure Caravan was said to have been over 150 miles long! And to have contained the GREATEST amount of gold and gems in human history!

"God Damn, kid. I don't know how many times you tell me this story but it's still music to my ears every time."

Victor Sullivan. Treasure hunter, adventurer, occasional Casanova, and mentor of Nathan Drake, was sitting down on an old fallen pillar made of sandstone. Listening once again to his apprentice tell the story of 'The Lost Treasure of Afghanistan'. Smiling to himself as he could only imagine how all of the problems of the world could easily be put to rest with this big score under their belts.

"It's honestly ashamed that the 'Sacred Peacock Throne' was found before. I hear it's sitting pretty in Iran right now." Sully sighed with a little disappointment.

"the same with the Koh-I-Noor Diamond. Back in London when I was in the museum I... uh... 'acquired' some info that it's with the crown jewels." Nathan said with the same level of disappointment.

Instantly smiling trying to bring back Sully's excitement Nathan beams. "But that doesn't mean that there isn't an entire Empires Gold and Jewels not waiting to be claimed now does it?" Sullivan now lighting his cigar starts to chuckle and takes a puff.

"You sure do know how to make my day kid."

"I aim to please... Hey Sully? You think anyone else is after the treasure?"

Suddenly, Sully decides to take out his .44 magnum and starts to load it. "I don't know kid. We haven't been shot at, kidnapped, thrown in jail, or even seen another person here other than the locals. I highly doubt anyone has found it yet, Hell I mean the only other people who know we're looking for the damn treasure are Charlie, Chloe, and Elena. And even they haven't seen anything suspicious from looking around the nearby towns. If you ask me I think we were over preparing and over thinking things, but at the same time I feel that this is all too easy." He finished loading his .44 magnum, places it in his holster, and begins to stand up and walk up to Nathan.

Nathan checking his ammo on his .45 defender answers Sully with a nod and a slight "hmm" then after taking a quick drink of water he asks. "Speaking of which. Have you heard from the others? I mean I know they can handle themselves but I don't any cell reception. Last I heard Charlie, Chloe, and Elena were all back at the Hotel checking with, what Elena told me, 'Old friends' back in Tibet. You think their talking about Tenzin?"

"I don't know Nate. Last I heard they were all at the hotel waiting for our lazy asses to find this damn treasure." He takes one more puff of his cigar. "As for Tenzin, well that mountain man has been doing his own kind of digging for us. He found out that there is more people like archeologists coming to his village trying to find the entrance to Shangri-La. Apparently there have also been some mercenary types running around up there too." Nathan was about to ask how he knew all that until Sully quickly said. "Elena translated his phone call."

Still confused how Tenzin got his hands on a phone, Nathan shrugged it off with a simple "Oh" and returned to his journal trying to figure out how open the tomb that was within the mountain side. "ya know, for a tomb that's holding a treasure almost three hundred years' old and the only barrier blocking us from it is a simple stone door. This is... VERY irritating!" Nathan was trying to figure out what symbols were the right order to open the door without having the tomb cave in on itself.

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