Teaching Through the Past (3)

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Beacon Academe was basically a chorus of loud yells and hollering from one specific part. That is because it was time once again for Nathan Drake to start teaching. The newest addition to the Beacon staff was now the most popular topic to talk about on campus. And probably will be for the next couple of years.

Dr. Ooblecks Classroom was once again filled to the far end with students, again easily fitting over a hundred students. little did Nate know that these students weren't going to be his full class. However, that would be talked about later. For now, the classroom was still awaiting their teacher to walk in and continue his story of the lost city of Shamballa. This was the case with Team RWBY quietly waiting.

Finally, Yang spoke up for all the teachers and students to hear. "OK, so where is he? He left before us and we still got here before and we still got here before him!" Everyone in the room agreed as well as the teachers. The bell rang and just as it did the door slammed open. With an exhausted Nathan Drake running through it. "About time!" Yang commented to him. "I was going to say we should draw straws to see who goes after you." She said with a teasing face. The other girls in the room all yell "WOO!" in agreement.

Nate wasn't paying attention at all he was practically dead tired. He ran out of the Combat Training class realizing he was going to be late for his class... when he got lost on the way there. It took him a total half an hour to find the damn room while everyone else only took fifteen. "Guh... huh... huh... sorry... got... lost... oh god..." He replied between gasping breaths leaning on his legs for support. "Why... is this... damn place... so... damn... big...? Seriously..." he finished.

Ms. Goodwitch was standing along the wall next to the windows. "Well Professor Drake. You were able to make it on time so that will not be on your record. However if you are even remotely late to your class you will have to answer to Ozpin." She would have continued if said Headmaster wasn't next to her to interrupt her.

"it's quite fine really. Mr. Drake you are alright. I'd like you to make it to class on time but if you are unable due to you being lost in the academy I understand. You are still new to the school." He took a sip of his coffee while leaning against his cane.

Drake stood up. "Huh... thanks. Jesus and I thought the Orphanage had big hallways... god... how do you kids get to class on time by walking?" he asked incredulously.

Everyone there took a mental note about the mention of an orphanage. Goodwitch answered for the students before any questions about it could be made. "it's quite easy for them Professor. They know where they're going." This comment caused some of the students to laugh or chuckle at his reaction which was an irritated pout.

"Whatever... ok, what were we doing last time. Sorry I was preoccupied fighting  what I call bullshit by the way, 'training' robots and you know, running around the entire damn school."

Ruby was back in the spot she was in the last class, so was the rest of Team RWBY. "You said something about after you made into the city with a thousand temples. How you almost died like... ok I don't remember how many but it was more than 8 separate times!" she explained. Everyone in the room either hummed or nodded in approval.

Drake looked at her. "Oh yeah..." He said.

"Well it's what everyone had been talking about since yesterday. That and how you kicked butt in combat class today. It's all anyone would talk about." Nate glanced around a bit to know exactly who all was in the room when he felt a slight chill go down his back when Ruby finished. He got a small glimpse at the man in the White uniform entering the room behind him. And then everyone, including Ozpin's, gaze fell onto him.

Nate who now was finally catching his breath and started to slow down his heart, spoke. "good to know I wasn't ignored." Before turning around towards the man. "Who are you?" he asked. "I think I saw you back in the arena class right?" the white uniformed man was surprised to say the least. He didn't think anyone could see him in the corner of the arena stands. But his face resolved back to a neutral state in a matter of seconds.

Uncharted: The Gems of RWBYحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن