The Beacon of Adventure

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It was another day in Beacon Academe.

Ruby Rose was just your normal, regular, ordinary knees girl. If by normal, you mean for a huntress in training that is being trained to slay the creatures of Grimm, the scariest most hated creatures in all of Remnant, then yes normal. Today however was not normal. It was even more boring than she could've imagined.

Today was another day of lectures from the professors at Beacon all of Team RWBY were feeling exhausted after school was over. The members of Team RWBY decided that to help ease their boredom until bed was to walk over to the Emerald Forest and fight off a few Grimm close to the school. And this was proving effective until this too grew boring.

"Hey guys, I think we've cleared this side of the woods. Wanna' go back home?" Ruby was more than ready to just sleep and pretend that today never happened with the amount of boredom.

"Yep, good call. I'm thinking it's time to take a nap." Ruby's older sister Yang Xiao Long said while she stretched her arms out.

"have you two forgotten about the amount of homework Professor Port gave us this morning?" Their teammate Weiss Schnee spoke up before they left the area. "If we don't get the essays done before Friday then we'll fall behind."

This time it was Blake who spoke up, the team's mysterious, book reading, ninja. "Weiss is right, I think it's time we finish the assignments and get it over with." Blake said with a depressed sigh. If one were to closely pay attention you could almost see her bow on her head droop down a little.

A slight breeze could be felt as Ruby put her weapon away sighing. "Alright... let's go back... man I really was looking forward to that na- OH MY GOSH WHAT IS THAT!?" As if on que, right before everyone was turning to leave a bright light could be seen coming from the clouds overhead. All the members of Team RWBY were dumbfounded and in awe as to what they were looking at. But just as quickly as it appeared it disappeared, leaving the group of four girls with awe-shook expressions.

Then if anything couldn't get any weirder they heard a voice... it wasn't any voice they knew, but they knew it was in trouble as they listened to it grow louder while looking up.


As the team looked up they saw a figure of some kind, most likely a person due to the constant cursing, falling from the clouds. From the angle he was falling they could easily tell he was heading for the lake close by.

All the girls looked at each other in unison and shook their heads, acknowledging the silent conversation they were all having. In the back of their heads they knew this was the perfect chance to get out of their homework for at least a few hours. It was Yang who broke the silence after the sound of a loud splash was heard. "Finally! Something not boring!"

Nathan Drake knew a lot of things.

He knew the truth behind the Famous 'El Dorado', he knew where to locate the lost city of 'Shamballa' or 'Shangri-La' to those not familiar with the name, he knew the location of 'the lost treasure of Nadir Sha', and so much more that was flashing before Nate's eyes, because he woke up from the darkness of unconsciousness to find himself in a heaven-like cloudy place.

Only to realize that he was falling.

As if God didn't want him into heaven just yet he certainly showed it by having it feel like he just kicked Nate out of it. Drake fell from the heavenly cloudy area to see strangely green colored trees grow closer and closer to him. 'Wait I thought I was in the dessert. Where the hell did these trees come from!?' He could've sworn that he saw a flash of other colors in a small clearing. But non that didn't matter to right now. Why? Because he was FUCKING FALLING FROM THE SKY!

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