An Otherworldly Job Offer

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 Ozpin was less than impressed. You could even say he was disappointed in some ways.

From the little time that he spoke with Mr. Drake he knew that if threatened, he would try to run from his predicament of being forced to move. What he didn't expect was the amount of mediocrity that came from the man. For someone to live in the world without aura to help heal deadly wounds, you would think that they would be the best of the best warriors in all the world. This tiny experiment only proved him wrong.

And Goodwitch was enjoying every second of it.

"I told you he would fail. I saw it in his eyes that he wouldn't get very far. But to get as far as the airship dock is impressive enough as it is. Even if he destroyed Beacon property along the way." She held back a tone of venom in her voice when mentioning the broken property. But still enjoyed being proven right for once.

Ozpin was still analyzing the footage that was recorded during Mr. Drake's escape attempt. He went back to when he was meat by Ms. Rose at the exit of the indoor courtyard outside of the cafeteria. He paused and unmuted the video and pressed play. The video played and you could hear Mr. Drake trying to bargain his way out of a fight.

"Whoa, whoa ok, listen. Whatever you want, I'll get it ok. If I Took anything you people wanted before you could get it, I'm sorry. I'll give it to you. You need something found? I'll find it. Just for Christsakes! Give me time and don't shoot me!"

Ozpin paused the video and began to think on this. "anything hmm...? Well Ms. Goodwitch maybe it's a hunch but I say we give him one more test to prove a theory."

"And what theory is that?"

"That Mr. Nathan Drake is from another world."

Goodwitch looked at him with a shocked expression. "What are you talking about Professor?"

"Well Glynda. Have you ever heard of maiden crystals?"

Ms. Goodwitch looked at him like he was a crazy old man wearing a smug grin. But instead of calling him out she decided to play along. "No, I don't think I've ever heard of that kind of crystal before."

"Well Ms. Goodwitch. There is a legend of these maiden crystals being created by the maidens themselves. With a mix of light dust, the most powerful known dust in all of Remnant, they fused their power into theses crystals to create the most powerful energy in the known history of humanity and faunes kind. However, the maidens knew that this power would be sought after by corrupted people. They only ever used the power of these crystals to send worthy heroes across the world in a blink of an eye to help protect those in need from the threat of the Creatures of Grimm. However, one way or another, men corrupted by darkness found this power and used this power for their own desires. The maidens found that the power of their creation was too much for humanity. So they destroyed all but one crystal. This one they used their powers launch it into the heavens so that it may return one day when the corruption of man meets its end."

"I understand but what does that have to do with Mr. Drake?"

Ozpin reaches into his coat pocket and grabs something "Because when that strange light flashed the kingdom, this fell from the sky behind the school." He held out a large crystal roughly double the size of his hand. "And I can only assume that Mr. Drake appeared from the same light."

Ms. Goodwitch was starting to connect the pieces. The legend of these maiden crystals, and Mr. Drake's sudden appearance are connected, then that explains how Mr. Drake found his way into Vale. But there were so many other questions. "But Professor. How does that explain him not having any kind of aura? What was that map that he pulled out in the library? Where is he from? And Who is he?"

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