The Job of a Lifetime (3)

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Nate had never seen anything like this.

Nate had entered the tomb after trapping the giant scorpion under a stone pillar and completely obliterating the head of some bear monster thing. He walked down the stairs to find a doorway that lead into a large room with symbols that he never had seen before. There was a giant map on the ceiling of land masses that matched the map that he saw in the giant book in the Beacon library. These land masses had the same symbols of the 'Kingdoms of Remnant'. If he remembered right, then he was where the symbol of the two axes crossed over each other with vines encircling. That was the 'Kingdom of Vale'. The other symbols that were on the 'world map' he didn't recognize. He pulled out his note book and wrote down the symbols of the other 'kingdoms'.

He flipped to a blank page and drew down all the land masses to every detail. He then drew down the symbols starting with the symbol of Vale. He then drew the symbol on the same land mass as the first kingdom. It was a symbol of three swords with the two on the outsides having wings on the outsides and the middle sword having wings on both sides. The next symbol was of a spear with a rounded age. It was in the middle of a split circle with that also surrounded by another circle. It almost looked like they were gears. The last symbol looked like a circle with a small flame in the center with two triangles on the top and the bottom with wings on the sides. It almost looked like a lantern. There were two other land masses that had no symbols on them. Nate decided to draw two question marks on the unmarked land masses and continued to put away his notebook before continuing to the next room.

This room was somehow darker than the last but with his flashlight he was able to see that the room was made out of dark bricks. There was nothing in the room. At least that's what he would've said if there wasn't one light that shined on an alter like table. On the table sat the subject to his being there. There on the table was the Golden King Piece. "What? That's it? A gold chest piece? Man, here I was thinking it was some kind of crown or something cool like that." Nate approached the alter and was about to grab it when the unmistakable sound of guns being cocked back made him freeze.

Nate lifted his hands in the air in defeat.

"Stay where you are. Don't move. Turn around slowly."

Nate smirked a little bit. "But you just told me not to move."

"Oh mister comedian eh? Don't make me say it again."

Nate knew not to press his luck. He slowly turned around to see two people pointing guns at him. One was a guy about the same height as Nathan but more muscular. He had two SMG like guns with daggers attached to the barrels. He wore a bandana on his forehead showing a symbol of a shield with four triangles circling a diamond. A black military type vest on his torso and that was it. His muscles exposed with a tattoo of the same symbol on the bandana on his right shoulder. He also had green camo cargo pants with black combat boots.

The other person that was with him was a girl with dark green hair. She had her hair in a ponytail with a dagger sticking out. Her outfit was of the same type of military vest only in a grey color, with a green tank top underneath. She had cargo shorts revealing skin from the knees down with black combat boots. Her weapon was like a sawed off shotgun with four barrels and bayonet made of two spikes on the bottom side. She spoke with a kinder more 'I'm not going to hurt you if you don't hurt me' kind of way. "Throw your gun on the floor and kick it to me."

Nate complied he pulled out his gun and dropped it onto the floor than kicked it in her direction. She picked it up and examined it. "How did you manage to kill those Beowolves with this small thing?"

He realized what she was talking about. "Well you know what they say. Big things come in small packages." he paused for a second. "Wait you saw all that? I knew is was being followed. Then again, I shoulda figured that Ozpin would send more people just in case. Let me guess, you're here to take it for yourselves huh?" He tried to lower his hands but both the unknown people raised their weapons higher and held them tighter. "Ok, ok. So how long were you following me? All you had to do was kick down the door."

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