Chapter 22

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It's been about a week since the poisoning incident, and since then, not much has been happening. Things were going pretty well, more than Jimin and Jungkook expected.

"Are you sure, Jiminie?" asked Yoongi, pouting. Jimin chuckles. "Yes, hyung. I'm fine! Plus, it didn't even last that long." said Jimin, folding the white towels. Yoongi rolls his eyes, not buying Jimin's answer( even if it was true). He then looks down when he feels his phone vibrate, smiling immediately when he realizes it was a text from Hyun Ki, the shining prince he met at a Halloween party.

"What got you smiling so hard, huh, hyung~?" asked Jimin, wiggling his eyebrows as he peered over to take at peak at Yoongi's phone. Yoongi didn't notice until Jimin said so, but he really was smiling hard. He blushes, bringing his phone up to his chest before sending a death glare to his younger brother.

"Shut up, Jimin," said Yoongi, as the younger laughed. "I-I have a friend I need to meet up with....See you later." With that, Yoongi quickly left. Jimin chuckles, going back to his work.


Jungkook sighs.

"Listen," he said, looking up. "I'm already married and we're living both of our lives happily." Jungkook's assistant nods. "Yes, Mr. Jeon is already married," she said, giving a cold glare. "He's not interested either, for your information. If you have nothing else, please leave immediately at this instant. "

"B-But-" said the man, his wife by his side. "Please! Our company is going down! Our daughter is very beautiful! You must help us, Mr. Jeon!" Jungkook rolls his eyes before turning to his assistant. "Walk them out and make sure they never come back," he said, making the couple gasp. "Oh, and if they don't leave, call security."

She nods, leading the couple out despite their pleading voices. Jungkook sighs. The company is not making any progress at the moment, but, luckily, they're not going down the hill either, and it frustrates Jungkook so much, being stuck in one place. He looks down when he hears his phone ring. Immediately, he reaches for it with a smile, hoping it might be Jimin.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Um, hey, it's Jihoon."

Jungkook frowns, but decided to keep it cool and continue. "What is it?"

"I-I know the company is not so good right now, and that I'm sick, but, if you have some spare time, can we talk? About us?"

Now, Jungkook was confused. What was the younger boy saying? "Sure. When and where?"

"Remember that cafe we went to a few weeks ago? I want to meet you there at five pm, tomorrow, please."

"I'm fine with that. Is there anything else you need? I really have to settle a few things at the company right now."

"N-No. I'm fine. That's it. Bye."

Before he can even reply back, the younger boy had already hung up. Weird, he always said 'love you' after saying good bye, thought Jungkook.

Despite wanting to know more, he continue looking through files and paperwork. Soon, it was time for lunch. Jungkook walks around, fixing every messy stack of papers, cleaning his desk, and checking his reflection every one minute. "Is there a special event on your schedule that I forgot, sir?" asked Jungkook's assistant, getting the young CEO's attention.

"Oh, um, n-no," said Jungkook, flustered. "J-Jimin's coming over for lunch..." She smiles, chuckling a bit. After a minute or so, Jimin had arrived, getting every employee's attention as he took a step.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know, maybe someone related to Jungkook?"

"Yeah. He's hot, too!"

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