Chapter 19

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Hoseok tuns off the water, wrapping a towel around his waist. He was so happy, that he felted the need to skip around the house(though that be weird). He quickly change into his blue pajamas, excited to cuddle his cute husband and watch the movie they recently had bought a few days ago. He runs to the living room, ready to jump onto Taehyung, which he knew he would  be scolded by the younger male. But to his surprise, Taehyung must be walking still. His smile fades and he sat down, deciding to wait for the younger. 

Ten minutes passed. Okay, maybe he's having a hard time finding something, thought Hoseok. He wraps his hand around his fist, rubbing over his knuckles like Taehyung always did to calm him down. Twenty minutes passed. Where is he? Thought Hoseok. He then quickly grabbed his phone, dialing Taehyung's number. He waits, but stop when he realizes Taehyung's phone ringing on the table in the kitchen. "Oh god," sighed Hoseok. "Why didn't you bring your phone?" He hangs up, putting on his jacket and shoes, deciding the best choice right now is to find Taehyung.

His eyes traveled everywhere, calling for Taehyung. He even went to the store Taehyung headed to, but found no luck. He panics, gripping his hair in frustration. He then ran again, hoping to find Taehyung somewhere. Not again, thought Hoseok. He had already suffered so much as a kid. He then stops as he fell back. "Sorry!" said a man with a brown coat. "Are you okay?" He asks, but Hoseok only stood up and asked if he saw Taehyung. The man quirks his eyebrows. "Do you mean Kim Taehyung?" he asks. Hoseok nods. He then looks down at Hoseok, his eyes widening at something the male had. "Y-You're Jung Hoseok?"

Hoseok wasn't sure of what to reply. The man quickly takes out what seems to be a notepad and a pen. "I'm Detective Park, from the police station XXXX department," he said looking up. "Can you tell me what happened?" Hoseok wasn't sure again, if he should trust this man he just met. But, he began to explain what happened, how Taehyung went out to buy something. "Thank you," said Detective Park. "Will you please come to the police station with me? We need you to be in a safe condition before we continue. We are also investigating a case on you're friends and you. It be nice if you give us some information."


"Wake up." said a voice. "Yah, wake up!" Jimin opens his eyes, sitting up. Where is he? Thought Jimin. He looks around, gifts were piled up against the white wall in the corner of the room, bags and boxes were set around the room, he looks in front of him, seeing his reflection. His eyes widens. Soft gray and brown eyeshadow decorated his eyelids, his hair was up, pink and red decorated his soft plump lips, and he had his white wedding suit back on, just like the day he and Jungkook got married.

He then noticed his father, who was staring at Jimin in the mirror, a sad smile decorating his face. Jimin wanted to jump up and give his father a hug as he cried, but instead he smiled, tears dropping down from his face. "It's okay, Appa," Jimin's lips move on its own, shocking the male himself. "I'll be okay." His body suddenly stood up by itself, walking towards his bag. Jimin was scared and unsure of what was going on. His hand suddenly pulled out a white rose, his father's faviorte. He smiles as he walked back to his father, tears still streaming down his face. 

"Here," he said. "It's a gift from me and Jungkook." He slowly pined the white rose onto his father's shirt, earning a smile in return. The doors opens, revealing Jimin's aunt. "You're on." she smiles. Jimin quickly turns around, tears were still staining his face, his makeup still perfectly on, but he smiles, and again, his body moved on its own. His father hold his arm out, Jimin wrapping his arm around it as well. Jimin begins to cry more. Now he knows. 

It was his wedding day after all, except he wasn't a crying mess like now. He smiles, waiting as his cousins, or flower girls, went first. He looks at his father with a smile, who smiled back. They faced forwards as it was their turn. Slowly, they walked down the aisle as people stared in awe. Jimin tried to calm his tears, trying to smile like he did the day when he got married. 

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