Chapter 36- Mixed Emotions

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The school year was coming to an end. And Jess knew this. It scared her a lot. She knew that it would eventually end, but it made her sad to realize it was actually going to end.

Jess was currently in class now. Doodling on her paper, not bothering to do her work. She didn't care at this point, even though she was a straight A student. All that was on her mind was two people. Two certain people.

Adam and Max.

Nothing has happened between her and Max at that point. Even though the school year was ending. In a month or so. The last major thing that happened between her and Max was that kiss. And that was a few months ago. It sadden her that that was the last thing that happened. She honestly wanted a realtionship. But was to scared to confront him about it.

As for Adam, is was complicated too. She knew he liked her. But Jess only liked Adam as a friend. Only a friend. But she knew Adam wanted to date her. Even though she didn't like him back. He never got the hint. No matter how many times Jess tries to ignore him. He always comes tries. She has tried multiple times to get the point acrossed.

She was going to tell him in person the next time she saw him, or probably invite him over to her house to do it face to face. She knew she shouldn't be a jerk and tell him over text. She needed to confess.

The bell rang, dismissing them to lunch. Jess quickly walked down to the cafeteria, and to their lunch table. She didn't exactly feel like eating, although her stomach said so otherwise. She was the first one to her table, the other's either getting food or taking their sweet sweet time.

That's when she heard a tray collide with the table. She looked up, and saw Shelby setting down her things across from her. She smiled, looking down at Jess, who's head was on the table.

"Hey, Jess!" Shelby greeting, starting to eat the gross yet mouth watering food on the tray. Jess scanned over the food, which so happened to be a cheeseburger, fries, a small carton of chocolate milk, and some apple slices. Which would obviously not be eaten.

"Hey, Shelbs." Jess said, rather quietly. Jess wanted to say more. But the words wouldn't come out.

Shelby looked confused, taken a good long look at her friend. "Jess, is everything okay?"

Jess sighed, sitting up. She looked around, making sure non of their other friends were coming. Every other group wasn't paying attention, talking amongst themselves. Jess didn't know what to say. She didn't know how she was feeling. Her breath and voice was caught in her throat, and couldn't say anything. She started to feel numb and dizzy. A little bit sick. How could she tell her?

"Well, it's just that..." Jess paused. She covered her face with both hands and took a deep breath.

She continued. "You know that me and Max kissed a few months ago. But, he hasn't made anymore moves on me at all. Sure, we have small talk and all. Yeah, we still hang out. But there is no romance anymore. I don't know if he is just not into me anymore or what."

Shelby looked shocked. Hey eyes wide open, then a small smile. She reached over and held Jess' hand. "Hey, you're amazing. In all honesty, you should tell him that you like him. And you want something more. You'll regret not doing it. I wish I confessed I liked Cory way before we started dating. It's now or never."

The two locked eyes, and Jess knew she was right. But then again, there was Adam. To be fair, everyone knew he liked it. It basically went without saying.

"Yeah, but then there's Adam. I like him, don't get me wrong. But only as a friend and nothing more. I've tried to tell him, but he just doesn't get the hint. And I know I have to tell him that too. I don't want to keep leading him on like this, it's driving me insane. But I just don't have the heart to tell him." Jess could feel her eyes starting to water. She refused to cry. Not here, not now, and not over this. She knew both her and Shelby were right in having to say something. Then again, she didn't know where to start.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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