chapter seventeen : supervision

Start from the beginning

"And maybe something that'll shoot adrenaline in you when things get stressful and you need a boost of energy and strength," Elisa said as she incorporated it into her suit.

She finished the last bits of the suit and smiled, tearing the page out and handing it to him.

"Thanks kid," he smiled and looked her in the eye.

"Oh, and I'm also here to say that I'm lifting the punishment early, Natasha and Thor convinced me," Tony said.

"Convinced you or scared you?" She asked with a quirked brow and he chuckled.

"A little bit of both," he responded and she smiled.

"Thanks Dad, Uh, I should probably let you know," she said and shifted in her seat.

"Peter and I are planning on going on a date," she said and he nodded.

"Sounds nice! Where to?" He asked and she blinked a couple times in shock.

"Wait, you're okay with it?" She asked and he shrugged.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked, "Peter wouldn't ever take advantage of you and if there was a chance that you guys are out in a bad situation, I know you'll have each other's backs."

Elisa smiled and nodded, happy that Tony approved of it.

"He's taking me to dinner then we're gonna go bowling," she smiled.

"Nice!" Tony said and stood up, looking at the suit, "I have work to do, see you at dinner, kid."

Elisa looked back at her sketchbook, deciding on doing a portrait of someone she just made up in her head. When her timer went off, Elisa got up and walked to her bathroom, washing off the mask and drying her face.

Elisa walked back to her room and laid down on the bed and sighed.

"Lady Elisa?" She heard and looked up, seeing Thor with an awkward look.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Uh, everyone is kinda busy and I need help with my eye," he said and Elisa chuckled.

"Alright, come on," she said and they walked into the kitchen.

Elisa got out the hydrogen peroxide like he asked and looked to him as he pulled out the eye patch.

"I need to clean this out," he said and Elisa took a deep breath.

"You realize I will be thoroughly disgusted right?"

"I'd be scared if you weren't," Thor chuckled and Elisa smiled, getting a cotton ball and drenched it in the peroxide.

"Alright this is gonna sting, smell funny and sound weird," she said and Thor nodded, closing his eye.

Elisa dabbed in the edge, cringing at the noise it made as it cleaned. She noticed Thor flinch as she made gentle swipes, soon, she could see the actual scar where it was cut out.

"Well, it's a clean cut, who did this again?" Elisa asked.

"My evil sister, Hela," Thor seethed and Elisa nodded, remembering the reading in her.

"And I thought the foster home kids had family issues," Elisa joked, making Thor chuckled.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Well on Earth, kids just don't get adopted, unless the family is desperate and rich," Elisa explained with a small frown, "they go through a long paper process that takes a couple years and they get put in foster homes, and a lot of them are great, but in the areas with a lot of crime, you'll find quite a few homes abusing the kids and forcing child labor."

"That's horrible!" Thor protested and Elisa nodded, washing the peroxide out with water.

"It is," Elisa sighed, remembering her time there and the kids she interacted with along with the parents.

"Lady Elisa," Thor spoke softly.

She looked into his eye as she cleaned his fancy eyepatch.

"How do you know this?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not really Tonys biological kid, and I was a foster kid before I met him," Elisa explained, "I ran away after they tried starving me to death."

"How do they not recognize you on T.V?" Thor asked.

"It was years ago, I grew and finally got some meat on my bones along with muscle," Elisa smiled, "Plus, I don't think they care where I'm at anymore."

"Well I'm glad you ran away," Thor spoke and Elisa chuckled.

"I am too, I mean, if I didn't I'm sure I'd be dead," Elisa admitted and Thor nodded.

"I wish my father was still alive to put a curse on them," Thor said.

"Oh dont worry, I made their parents haunts them for the next fifteen years." Elisa chuckled.

"You scare me sometimes"

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