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Louis' pov

Zayn left me alone in the room, just to wonder what he'd do to me. He was so fucking creative about these kind of shit. He'd probably come up with something unthinkable and torturous.

I sighed and just sat myself at my bed. Our bed.

I got lost in my own thoughts, not even realizing that Zayn had came back into the bedroom.

"Hey babe." He greeted with a smile. My eyes flicked to the things he carried in his hands. Dildos and vibrators in different shapes and sizes. Shit.

If I wasn't wearing the cage, it'd be heaven. But the metal that separated my cock and freedom would definitely deprive me of any pleasure I could have felt.

This would hurt a ton.

My boyfriend smiled wickedly at me, probably knowing exactly what I was thinking. I paled out a little.

"Oh, you're gonna hate this, love." He stated in such a dark and mysterious voice. Shit.

He also had a blindfold and a ring gag, perfected by the metal handcuffs. We didn't use those furry fluffy pink handcuffs. We used real ones, the ones the police used.

"Well, shall we start?" The jet black haired man asked, even though it was rhetorical. He put down all the equipments on the edge of the bed. Then he took the two pairs of handcuffs.

It's obvious that smut is coming. And the fucked up kinky kind.

I assumed the position, kneeled on the bed with my arms spread wide to the bedposts. Zayn smiled at me and quickly got on the bed.

He handcuffed each of my hands to the headboard, which was actually a bunch of iron cylinders that was made for this exact purpose.

He stepped back and just stared at me like he was admiring his work. He smiled wickedly and even laughed a little.

He took the gag, it was a ring gag, though. It'd keep my mouth open in a weird way. Zayn crawled to me and I voluntarily opened my mouth for him to put the gag in. He secured the strap at the back of my head. And now my mouth was hanging wide open, the air freely got inside it. It'd probably get dry after some time.

Zayn took one of the many dildos, and shoved it down my open mouth. Grinning widely as he did so. He kissed my nose excitedly and clapped his hands.

"Okay! Now that we've taken care of your mouth, I'm blindfolding you, baby." He darkly stated.

Oh, man, I hated being blindfolded, I hated not knowing what he'd do to me, but at least I knew it was Zayn and for some reason I trusted that idiot with my life.

Well, I love that idiot. He was my idiot.

And so, the black fabric successfully covered my vision. Now all I could see was black. Darkness. Although it did increase my other senses, I could hear Zayn's movements, I could feel the bed moved in a certain way following his movements.

And I could feel something cold on my nipples. That would be nipple clamps, Zayn opened the clamps and let my nipples be pinched by the metal. I hissed quietly at the contact. Well, tried to, at least. Couldn't really do that with my mouth full of rubber willy.

The clamps didn't really hurt, it wasn't that tight, but it did add pressure. Teasing pressure that turned me on. My cock wasn't trying to get hard, though. I did my best not to get my blood pumping to my manhood.

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