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Harry's pov

Louis sneaked his arms around my body, touching my abdomen and ran his hands on it.

His hands cupped some nice smelling water, and then wash my skin with it. I felt his small, soft hands running through my belly. As he caressed my skin gently, he sang quietly right next to my ear. I found myself relaxing to the sound of his voice.

Louis was literally bathing me. With shampoo and soaps. His dainty hands ran through my long curls, then lightly massaged my head, geez, how could he be good at treating people?

"Ahh, that feels good, Lou." I moaned out of the pleasure. He chuckled.

"I like taking care of people. Like Zayn, he'd be dead if it wasn't for me." He laughed. Hey, I was getting jealous here! Louis and Zayn had that kind of bond where they seemed like they couldn't ever be separated even by the gods above. Nothing could come between them.

"Hey, that one time, Zayn and I went to a camp over the summer. That was great. We screwed it all up, I feel bad for the organizers." Then he continued the story. Something about them burning the tents with lighted joints or something. I wished I had a more interesting past.

Louis' pov

After Harry and I took that one long bath, we both dressed up. In my clothes, of course, seeing as his stuff was all at Kenny's.

He wore one of my sweaters. It was grey, it fitted him. And one of my skinnies. He had long legs, my pants weren't long enough. But it still looked good on him nevertheless.

I wore some white t-shirt, and a classic blue jeans. We headed out the door, as I held the door open for him.

"Aww, thank you, gentleman." He made a kissy face. Hey, Harry was cute. Well, I chuckled, then leaned in and kissed his kissy face. Bet he didn't expect that.

I pulled out just seconds after, he looked at me grinning from ear to ear.

"You make me happy, Louis." He then took my hand and we both walked jumpily like idiots. Hot idiots.

We went down the elevator and then into my beautiful work of art made of mostly carbon fiber and aluminum. With leather seats.

"Where's your house, Harry?" I asked as the car went out the tall building.

"Uh, not far. Just take a left and go on the highway, first exit. Isn't far from there." He explained. I nodded and hummed in understanding.

"Say, Louis, why did you decide to be a doctor? or a surgeon, at that." He asked. I thought about it for a second.

"Well, I can give you all the "I've always wanted to help people" crap, but I know that's not what you wanna hear, right babe?" I asked back, well, all my doctor friends always answered like that, "ever since I was a kid, I've always wanted to help people" so did I, sometimes.

But that wasn't the only reason. Never was.Well, if you wanted to know, I'd be glad to tell you.

"Well, if isn't that, what is it?" The green eyed boy asked. I chuckled. The truth was, all the wise, inspiring, life-changing reasons were all bullshit. Well, at least to me.

Being a high school student was hard. Even if you were a good kid. Now, imagine being Zayn's best friend. You're screwed.

We skipped so much I actually wondered if we were even at school. I meant, yeah we have other friends too. Like Liam and Niall. But we were closer with each other. His company mattered more.

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