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The rest of the ride home was quiet. Except for the songs coming out of the radio. And some small talk between us.

I believed in God. And I did have my reasons. I was a kid, a bad boy, a trouble maker who made messes I couldn't really clean up.

And now, look at me. Highly paid surgeon with an almost perfect record. Hey, I ain't no Dr. Strange. Things took a really good turn in my life.

Another reason, obviously, being a surgeon. That opened your eyes. Sometimes a patient almost guaranteed to be dead didn't die. And someone with a simple case which no one would've thought will die, died.

Sometimes, a family member had just gave up, but I never did. Miracles did exist, all you had to do was believed in it. Pray to God and you'd see the light. Sometimes it was irrational, but it was always a way.

Well, maybe you're wondering. If I believed in God, why'd I do... Bad things? Perhaps that was what you'd call them. You knew, fucking men, or get fucked by one, hey, even with female, that's still a sin, doing drugs, and the list went on.

I knew that they were sins. Things I had to stay away from. But I couldn't. I needed it. And I knew God would actually still forgive me even if I sinned so much. I might went to hell if I died. But well... That's my consequences.

We arrived at my place shortly. We took the elevator that was made specially for carrying stuff. With the help of some security guys, we made it all the way up to the penthouse.

"Thanks, man." I said, with a hundred dollar bill on my hand. The guy took the money and thank me, I repeated this to some more security guys. Which all thanked me.

The three of us went inside the penthouse.

"Do you wanna unpack now, or later?" I asked the curly haired boy. He sighed.

"Later, I almost died a few hours ago, I'm not in the mood." The boy replied. He sat on the couch, looking tired. So I went behind him, and started to give his shoulder a massage. He moaned in delight.

"Oh God, help me, why am I stuck between sickening lovebirds? Why did I say yes to Zayn's request?" Justin complained as he sat across us. Harry chuckled lightly.

"Get yourself some drinks or something. You know where is where." I ordered. Justin shook his head though.

"Nah, I'm fine, man. Imma go check on Zayn. He seemed lonely." Justin replied. He stood up, putting back his iPhone into his pocket. Harry's body immediately jolted up.

"You're going to see Zayn? We should go too, tell him about the date, maybe he'll heal faster if he had something to look forward to." Harry commented. Harry liked Zayn? Now I was worried I'd be left alone.

"Sure, come along." Justin simply replied. We walked back to the van we just got out of.

At the hospital...

Zayn's pov

I knew it was only a day, but I felt so lonely. Louis' and Harry's presence meant a lot to me. It's just boring here. I was so used to do lots of activities and actions, laying motionless on the bed was a hard thing to do.

Good for me, a few minutes later, there was a knock. Followed by three familiar faces. Justin, Louis, and Harry. I knew my face immediately lighted up. I hated being alone, always had.That was probably why Louis always stuck by me. It was like he was babysitting me.

"Zayn!" Justin greeted. He walked closer and bro-hugged me. Harry hugged me after, and then Louis did, with an additional forehead kiss.

"You must be getting lonely, babe. We're here for you." Louis said. Louis was so sweet, he had always been. Harry nodded along excitedly.

Three of Them (Zourry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ