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Louis' pov

I was sleeping soundly with Zayn in my arms, but suddenly I was woken up by the sound of my phone's ringtone. Guess what, it was one direction.

I tried to ignore it but I was such a light sleeper. Eventually I ended up taking that phone.

It was an unknown number, but I took it anyway. I heard a familiar voice through it, Harry. What happened?

He sounded so panicked and clueless. I was worried. He said something about Kendall and something else, it was too early for my brain to function.

I decided I would just go to her room and see what happened. I slowly detached myself from Zayn, trying not to woke him up. And failed.

"Lou?" He asked softly. I caressed his hair and kissed his head.

"Ssh. Go back to sleep I'm going to check up my patient. Which is Harry's fiance." I explained. He just hummed in response and went back to sleep.

I stood up, only to realize there were dried cum all over my asshole, down to my mid thighs. I immediately went to the bathroom and washed it off. Then I realized the hickeys Zayn left me, ah whatever.

I went out and put yesterday's clothes. I immediately went out for the rescue. Go, Louis to the rescue!

I walked swiftly down the corridors. And was finally in Harry's fiance, Kendall's room.

I saw a beautiful girl, which was Harry's fiance. Even when her head was wrapped around bandages, she still looked pretty. She was screaming though. I wondered why.

Then I saw Harry and Eleanor. Eleanor had her hand on Harry's shoulder. And Harry was wiping his tears away. Not long after, Harry recognized my existence. He looked at me like I was his savior, even though I hadn't even do anything.

I walked over to Harry. I crouched down so that our faces were in the same level. I put my hand on his curls ruffling it a bit.

"What happened, Harry?" I asked. He looked at me, unsure.

"I don't know, it was all good, until I said I love you. And then she was screaming, help me Louis. Help her." He replied. He had shed a few more tears, so I wiped it away.

"I will, now, have you ever told her that before?" I asked.

"Before the accident, yes. A lot. And she said it back too. So what was wrong with her?" He looked at me expectantly. I looked at him.

"I think it might be a PTSD. Or something was wrong with her brain. I'll take her to a neurologist." I replied.

"She... will be okay, right?" Harry hesitantly asked, probably worried.

"I can't promise you anything, Harry. Not until the neurologist told me about the situation. Just pray for the best. If you become too worried and you think you're gonna blow up, just go to Zayn, he'll help you, or at least accompany you." I sadly replied. He looked down. But nodded anyway.

"Okay I'll be going. Eleanor, help me." I said, Eleanor followed me to Kendall's bed. Her screams had been reduced, probably she was tired.

I walked to one side, Eleanor to the other side. We both gently took her hand away from her face. She screamed, but we ignored it.


"Kendall. I'm Louis, Harry's friend. And this is my friend Eleanor. We were sent by Harry to save you. Can you please calm down?" I softly said. She looked at me looking surprised and hesitant.

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