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Louis' pov

"Hey, Lou. Now that we're dating and all that, why don't I just move in? I mean, you and Harry are living together." Zayn suggested. Eh, sure. We had lived together for a long time before. But then we got on our feet and was able to afford two places.

But this time it'd be different. It wouldn't be two teenage boys who didn't have enough money to afford his own place. It wouldn't be two best friends living together to save money, no.

It'd be boyfriends, lovers, living under one roof. Whoa that's... well, new.

"Are you sure? you might want to rethink that. I take hours in the bathroom." I replied jokingly. Zayn rolled his eyes.

"What, you don't want me to move in?" The black haired lad looked sad. I put my hand on top of his head and ruffle his pretty hair lovingly.

"Of course I do. I love you." I replied as I ruffled his hair. Instead of an "I love you too", Zayn laughed. Why the hell was he laughing?

"Fuck, Lou. It's just that, we were best friends and it's so weird seeing you all romantic and sappy." The guy explained. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, fuck off. We are still best friends. And don't blame me that I wanna be all romantic and sappy. I mean, you are my boyfriend, idiot." I hit his head softly. He groaned in pain even though I knew it didn't hurt.

Harry shook his head as he watched our little banter. He was probably wondering why'd he date such morons.

"Harry, where are you going? I'm going to the hospital and Zayn's going to his place to pack up some of his shit." I asked and explained. Harry thought about it for a few seconds.

"I'll come with you to the hospital. I wanna check on Kendall. Now that I'm not mad at her and stuff." His face looked so uncomfortable with his statement. I nodded understandingly.

"I wish you luck, baby." I replied. Soon enough Zayn's driver got us to the hospital. Harry and I hopped off and Zayn continued his journey to his place.

"So, you're gonna talk to Kendall." I stated as we walked through the hallways.

"Yeah. I was really pissed off when I last saw her. Now I'm actually glad we broke up. I get to date you and Zayn instead." The curly lad replied. I smiled at that.

"Okay, well, good luck, love." I patted his shoulder and kissed the side of his face before I went off to the doctors' station.

"Thanks." I heard him faintly reply as I got further from him. Back to real life. Back to boring, doctor life.

Harry's pov

I had to see Kendall. I had to get closure. And who knew if we'd actually still be friends? We had spent a whole lot of time together. It would be a waste of relationship if we'd just never talk to each other ever again.

Yeah, what she did was horrible, and I was torn at first. But then it got me to Louis and Zayn. And they truly made me happy. Maybe I should thank her instead.

My feet step by step walked to Kenny's room. I opened the door to see the girl I thought was the one laying on the white hospital bed. She looked up when the door was opened, and she definitely didn't expect to see me. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped a little.

"Hey, Kenny." I said, not really knowing what to say. Kendall took a few seconds to register my presence.

"Oh, wow. Hi, Harry." She replied with a faint smile. She still looked so weak. I guessed a cracked skull does that to you.

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