Chapter 9

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Title: Yook got caught!


It's been a week after the Album promotion and Joy's ankle finally healed. And it's also been a week since Yeri started shipping SungJoy.

"Kyaaaah, I still can't believe it really happened. Aigoo, it must have felt good being carried by Sungjae-oppa like that."Yeri spoke while the Red Velvet girls were on their way to Busan for their fan meeting.

Joy kept her silence since she knew too well that Yeri would be talking about the Album promotion the whole ride.

"Gosh! I never thought watching a Live Idol's Album Promotion would look like watching We Got Married, you two should just join We Got Married for sure you two would win the Best Couple award!"Yeri trailed off making Joy roll her eyes.

When will this kid shut up?

Then Irene butted in and shushed her up.

"Stop it Kim and sleep."the leader scolded her making Yeri silenced as Joy gave Irene a thankful smile. Then Irene replied with a smile as well.

Arriving at the event place, the place was already packed with people. When Red Velvet walked inside the place, fans started screaming loudly making Joy startled and her reaction would always make the fans giggle for her cuteness.

"Aigoo, people should really start giving me a heads up. Hahaha."Joy trailed off making Seulgi smile at her younger member's words.

They were then instructed to take their seats, and as usual they are seated according to their ages. From Irene to Wendy, next is Seulgi besides her is Joy and lastly Yeri.

"Why do I always sit at the last? I always end up being the last one to notice a cute guy."Yeri mumbled making Joy pinch her on the sides.

"You and your boy hunting skills. You're lucky no one heard you but me."Joy trailed off.

"Yeah like we're even different. All the fanboys gets stars-trucked when they came across Irene-unnie then after that they wouldn't notice the four of us. Jeez I wished I was as pretty as unnie."Yeri spoke making Joy and Seulgi look at each other while shaking their heads.

"Teenagers."Seulgi mumbled making Joy chuckle.

"Good thing I turned 21 on New Years day."Joy exclaimed making Seulgi giggle.

Moments later the fan meeting started after Red Velvet performed their Dumb Dumb song and One of This Nights performance. The fans started getting in line to have their posters, albums and even phone cases signed by their bias and the cute gifts for the girls weren't an exemption.

Meanwhile behind the crowd, a guy wearing a green sweater and hoodie with a print CHANCE CHANCE was fidgeting his hands non stop. He was also wearing a yellow cap and black face mask, he even brought with him some sunglasses to complete his outfit.


"Are you out of your mind Sungjae?!"Eunkwang exclaimed after hearing from Minhyuk that Sungjae was planning on attending/participating in Red Velvet's fan meeting in Busan.

"It's our day off. Plus I'll be wearing a disguise they won't recognize me I promise."Sungjae swore. "And besides Red Velvet already knows that I don't want them to see my face."he added making the others look at each other.

"There's a lot of people attending that event, for sure one of the fans would recognize you. It's too risky, you'll get yourself in trouble."Eunkwang exclaimed making Sungjae impatient since the event would start in 2 hours.

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