I went silent, obviously my facade fell, showing the mid of emotions that filled my head.  I need to keep denying this,  I'm humanity's last chance.  I can't respond, so he did for me.

"What will happen if I pull this trigger Connor? Nothing? Oblivion? Android Heaven?" He went back to analyzing me, his voice cold. 

My voice had lost all confidence at that point, "I doubt there's a heaven for androids." Nothing but sadness filled my voice.  "Having existential doubts, Connor? Sure you're not going deviant too?" He was interrogating me. 

"I self test regularly, I know what I am, and what I am not." I regained a little confidence, but it all fell when I saw the figure behind Hank.  Violet stood there, eyes wide. 

"What......what's going on..?" Her voice was small, scared.  She's not dressed to be out in this weather, her teeth chattered.  Hank sighed and lowered the gun, "Nothin'..."

Hank headed for the car, Violet stood in her place and looked at me.  I let out a breath and started for the car.  Violet walked next to me, normally she'd reach for my hand, but she held her arms and looked forward.  We both sat in the back, Hank put in headphones, his music could be heard through them.  He's drowning us out. 

Until we got home, no one spoke.  It was similar to earlier, but this time it was tense.  Arriving at the house, Hank got out immediately and walked into the house.  We followed not far behind, once we entered Hank slammed his door shut. 

Violet sighed and walked to the bedroom, she pulled off her coat and sat on the edge of the bed.  I sat next to her and watched her,  I just want to know how to help.

"Why do you think I don't care..?" Her voice was smaller, she sounded hurt.  My mechanical heart felt like it was decaying. 

"W-What......what do you mean?" My voice sounded like it was breaking. "What you said to Hank, how do you only see yourself as some replaceable machine with no emotions?" She seemed both disappointed and in complete despair.  A tear fell from her eye, and set her hands on her knees and gripped her jeans. 

Androids don't feel pain, but somehow all I felt in this moment was complete and utter agony.  "It's...it's how I was programmed.  Androids don't feel anythi-" She cut me off and turned her head towards me, she held up her hand to tell me to stop talking. 

Pain and anger contorted her face, but her eyes showed....love. 

She furrowed her brows and turned her body to face mine.  My eyes following her every move.  She sighed and shook her head, then looked me in the eye.  "Then what am I doing right now? I'm feeling Connor." Her hands snaked their way around my neck, her breathing was shaky.  My own hands found her sides, I've gotten used to hugs, but she hadn't pulled me closer yet. 

With a swift movement she placed her lips on mine.  My eyes widened and I held my breath.  Her hands combed through the back of my hair, I closed my eyes and allowed for my arms to tighten around her waist.  My android heart pounded furiously.  She climbed on top of my lap and sat down, the kiss deepening. 

Her lips separated from mine, my mouth longing for hers now.  We both breathed heavily, my hands never leaving her hips.  "If you can actually look me in the eye and say that you just felt nothing, I'll give up.  I'll leave right now and you'll never have to see me again." I could tell she wanted the connection again. 

"Violet, I...." My software seemed to try and fight the emotions Violet made me feel, but my emotions were winning, "I can't lie to you...I can't deny these feelings, but my program won't give up, it keeps fighting all these emotions but you keep showing so many of them to me." I looked her in the eye to show her I was sincere, my voice was firm but understanding. 

Instead of answering, she smiled and placed her forehead on mine.  Her eyes closed, she didn't speak.  We sat in silence for a few minutes.  Eventually, She sighed and stood up from my lap, I oddly miss her body against mine. 

She began getting ready for bed, I did as well.  As we slipped into the bed, she immediately placed her hand on my cheek.  Our faces inches apart, she looked into my eyes and gave a small smile.  She scooted herself closer to me, her legs tangling with mine, chest to chest.  My hands found their way to her waist, like I've been doing it everyday for years. 

Tenderly, she placed her lips on mine.  This time, by instinct I pulled her closer.  She giggled against my lips, causing me to smile as well.  She played with my hair, is this happiness?

She pulled away and laid her head down on the pillow next to mine.  Her fingers left my hair and one ran over my LED.  This oddly send a chill down my spin, she smiled sweetly at me.  Cuddling into my chest, she sighed. 

A few minutes pass before she falls asleep, I place my lips against her forehead and close my eyes.  I drift off into sleep, my fingers fidgeting with the hem of her shirt. 

Software instability ^

Hey guys thanks so much for reading💜 aaahhhhh it finally happened! I've had so many ideas for their first kiss but I really liked this one. I wanted to give a quick shoutout for another book I've been reading called "Tender Killer" by bluemerry_berry I absolutely love it so far and I think you guys will too! have a nice day, and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

Retaliate-Detroit:Become Human (Connor x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now