The Hoover Dam

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Y/n's POV

At the edge of the junkyard, we found an old tow truck, and surprisingly, it had a full tank of fuel. Thalia took the driver's seat, and Zoe took the passenger's seat, leaving Grover, Percy, and I to sit in the truck bed. I situated myself against the wall, and once I was in a good position, I rummaged through my backpack. Finally, I found the nectar, and I took a big swig. Almost instantly, the pain in my back subsided.

"You okay?" Percy asked as I put the nectar away.

I nodded. "Yeah. I'm fine. Surprisingly, that didn't hurt as bad as it must have looked. I don't need the Golden Fleece this time."

"Good," Percy murmured and got quiet as he looked up at the sky.

"Percy, what happened to Bianca wasn't your fault," I remind him.

"I was the one who came up with the idea to get inside the machine," Percy informed me. "It should have been me."

"Don't say that!" Grover exclaimed. "It's bad enough Annabeth is gone, and now Bianca. Do you think I could stand it if...I can't lose another friend."

"And I can't lose my brother," I add. "I don't think you realize how much of an impact you've had on my life, Percy. Before you came along, I was alone. An outcast. I had practically no powers. And then you came into my life and changed all of that. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Percy smiled. "Thanks, guys. I really needed to hear that."

"Guys, we're out of gas," Thalia alerted us as the truck lurched to a stop at the edge of a river canyon.

"Great," Percy exhaled. "What now?"

"There's a path," Grover noticed and pointed to a tiny ledge that winded down the cliff face. "We could get to the river."

"Oh Hades no," I oppose. "Grover, look how high up that thing is? You know how I am about heights."

"Lets go further upstream," Percy suggested. "Come on. A walk won't hurt us."

We followed the river for about half a mile before coming to an easier slope that led down to the water. On the shore, there was a canoe rental stand that was closed for the season. Percy left a stack of golden drachma on the counter, and we took two canoes and dragged them down to the water.

"This is a problem," Zoe announced. "We need to go upstream. But the rapids are too swift."

"Relax, Zoe," Percy instructed. "You've got two children of Poseidon with you. If you didn't know, we're good with water."

At the mention of having to use my powers, my face paled. Like I told Apollo a few days ago, I was scared of them. The past few times I'd tried to use them, nothing good came of it. And I was in no hurry to accidentally hurt someone.

"Um, Percy? Do you think you can control the canoes on your own?" I quiz.

Percy frowned. "I guess. Why? Everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," I lie. "There's um, there's only room for two people in each canoe, so I figured I'd sit on the front of one cause I can keep it balanced. I can't really use two aspects of my powers at once."

"Oh. Okay. That's fine," Percy said.

"I have a request too," Thalia chimed in and dragged Percy and I aside. "Percy, would you take a canoe with Zoe? I think maybe you can talk to her. Y/n could ride with Grover and I."

"She's not going to like that," Percy pointed out.

"Please," Thalia begged. "I don't know if I can stand being in the same boat with her. She's starting to worry me."

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