Discovering the Lost God

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Y/n's POV

"They went this way. We have to follow them," Percy insisted. 

"What about Camp Half-Blood?" Nico raised. "There's no time." 

"We have to find them," Annabeth agreed. "They're our friends." 

Annabeth picked up Grover's smashed cap and forged ahead with Percy right behind her. Rachel, Nico, and I followed down the tunnel after them, and this one was treacherous. It sloped at weird angles, and it was slimy with moisture. The dirt was basically mud, and it caked the bottom of my sneakers. Half the time we were slipping around and grabbing onto each other for support. Finally we made it to the bottom of the slope, and we found ourselves in a large cave, at the center of which was an underground river. Tyson was sitting by the bank, cradling Grover in his lap. Usually, when Tyson saw us, he smiled. But this time his face was filled with worry.

"Tyson? What happened?" I ask. 

"So many things," Tyson responded. "Large snake. Large dogs. Men withswords. But then we got close to here. Grover was excited. He ran. Then wereached this room, and he fell. Like this. He said, 'We're close.' Then he hit his head on rocks." 

"Grover! Wake up!" Percy demanded and shook him lightly.

"Percy, that's not gonna wake him," I say and kneel down next to the river bed. I cupped my hands and dipped them in the freezing water, splashing some onto Grover. Almost immediately, his eyelids fluttered. 

"Percy? Y/n? Where..." Grover trailed off.

"It's okay," Percy assured him. "You passed out. The presence was too much for you." 

"I remember. Pan. Something powerful is just beyond that doorway," Grover declared as Percy helped him up. "We have to keep going. Across the river."

"It's cold," I notify everyone. "So just try your best to not completely fall in. I don't feel like being a hero right now."

Together, we all waded through the water. It came up to about our waists, and with how cold it was, everyone was shivering. Plus, the current was strong, and it took everything we had to get across. Once we got across, Percy and I helped dry everyone off, but we couldn't take away the cold, so instead we all huddled together for a minute to warm up.

"I think we're in Carlsbad Caverns. Maybe an unexplored section," Annabeth proposed. "If I'm right, we're in New Mexico."

"That would explain last winter. The small village we encountered," Percy remembered.

"Oh yeah. When we rode the boar to get away from the skeletal warriors," I recall and glance down at my shoulder, where the tiniest bit of my scar was peaking out from under my sleeve. 

We continued our trek down the tunnel, and as the crystal pillars loomed larger, I started to feel the power emanating from the next room. Being in the presence of gods made you feel a little different, but this was not the same as the times I'd faced the gods on Olympus. I hadn't gotten much sleep the past few weeks, but as soon as I stepped through the next archway, I felt as if I'd slept for a whole day. The scent of flowers wafted by from up ahead, and I knew that was a good sign. When we stepped into the next room, the walls glittered with crystals of all different colors. Beautiful plants grew from vines that crept along the walls. The cave floor was covered with soft green moss, and overhead, the ceiling was higher than a cathedral, sparkling like a galaxy of stars. In the center of the cave stood a small bed, gilded wood shaped like a curly U, with velvet cushions. Animals lounged around it, but they were animals that shouldn't have been alive. There was a dodo bird, something that looked like a cross between a wolf and a tiger, a huge rodent like the mother of all guinea pigs and, roaming behind the bed, picking berries with its trunk, was a woolly mammoth. On the bed lay an old satyr who watched us as we approached. 

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