Battle Positions

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Y/n's POV

"Y/n, you shouldn't be out of bed," Percy chided when he saw me attempting to walk around the floor my room was on the next morning.

"For as nice and expensive this place is, that hotel room was starting to feel cramped, and I getting bored. I needed to do something with myself. I have ADHD too," I remind him.

"How are you feeling?" Percy asked.

"Considering I almost died yesterday, not too bad," I answer. "I want to be able to help you guys today, but I know I can't. I can barely walk, let alone hold a sword."

"Maybe you can help strategize," Percy proposed. "I'm sure the Athena kids won't mind. And Annabeth will be happy to see you. I was actually just about to head down to the lobby to start sending out parties. Might as well bring you down there with me."

"So," I start as the two of us made our way to the elevator slowly. "What happened yesterday while I was out? Will mentioned that you, Thalia, and Grover met Prometheus?"

"Yeah," Percy confirmed. "He wanted us to call a truce. Kronos would spare all of us if we gave him Mount Olympus. I told him it wasn't gonna happen."

"Percy, you do know that we can only hold them off for so long, right? Not that I don't have faith in the other campers and hunters, but we're severely outnumbered," I point out. "If only the Ares cabin were here, things would be different. Have you heard from Silena yet?"

"No," Percy replied. "But I have hope she can get through to Clarisse. Oh, and another thing about yesterday. Ethan Nakamura was with Prometheus. He didn't have the eyepatch when he was at camp, did he?"

"Not that I remember, no. Why?" I quiz.

"He told me how he got it. Apparently it was a payment to his mom, Nemesis. In exchange, she swore to him that one day, he would tip the balance of power and bring the minor gods respect," Percy told me.

"His own mother took an eye from him? That's harsh," I comment as the two of us stepped into the elevator. "But it makes sense, actually. The more I think about it, the more I realize why there are more and more demigods on Kronos' side. All demigods want is to know that their godly parents care about them.  I mean, one of the things I strive to do is to make dad proud, and according to him, I have. Most demigods don't ever get the chance to meet theirs like we have though. Perhaps that's something we should think about if we ever end this war. Doing something to help those kids feel welcome."

"Maybe you're right," Percy agreed as the elevators opened up into the lobby. We were immediately met by Annabeth, who was decked out in full armor. "Annabeth, what are you doing in armor? You should be resting."

"I'm fine," Annabeth assured him. "That nectar and ambrosia fixed me up." 

"You can't seriously go out and fight," Percy argued. 

"You're going to need every person you have," Annabeth countered and hugged me so she didn't hit my injury. "How are you, Y/n? Last time I saw you, Will was bringing you into the lobby and you were bleeding pretty bad."

"I'm doing good, all things considered," I respond. "I just wish I could help you guys fight though. For now I'm stuck here strategizing."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. Seriously. I don't know what I'd do without you," Annabeth confessed. "After all, you have been my best friend since we were little kids."

"Remember how you thought I was a daughter of Athena at first?" I recall. "You kept insisting that I was because you wanted us to be sisters. No matter how many times I told you that my dad was my godly parent, you didn't give up hope."

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