Thirty- two: Luck of the Irish

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god this is the best drink I've had." I slurped up another mouthful

"Like I said only the finest for my girl, anyways think of it as thank you for before. Now come on lets go see everyone yeah?"

I nodded my head as he entwined his hand with mine to walk towards the crowd and to find our group of friends. Reaching our friends Niall was the first one to spot us.

"Heyyyyyyy, it's the birthday boy and his missus" I hid my face in Harry's arm and giggling into him due to Niall's intoxicated state.

"What took you two so long? Hmmm?" Harry looked down at me and gave me a sly wink before dragging me into the booth and sitting down then pulling me to sit on his lap, I screeched as tugged at my arm.

"Nothing mate we were just talking and Ava gave me a couple of gifts." I started to blush as Harry's smile widened looking at his drunk friend.

"Cut the bullshit boss, were you bollocks 'just talking'" Kennedy came shouting across the table, air quoting just talking while Niall just stared at her clueless as to what was going on so I presume Kennedy was filling in the blanks for him as she leant over to Niall's ear and spoke into his ear, he was quick to catch on to what his girlfriend was saying to him, his jaw dropped before closing again and a smirk appeared on his face as his turned his head around to face me and Harry. I internally groaned wondering what was going to happen next.

"I know what happened." He sing songed waving his index finger in the air

"So Ava, did you suck him dry?" I groaned for real now hiding my face in my hands, what would I do without a friend like Kennedy oh yeah that's right, my sex life would be kept quiet and not shouted across the whole fricken night club, and worst of all Harry thought this whole thing was hilarious.

"Spit or swallow darlingggg?"

"Fuck sake shut up Niall, its private."

"You like privates, especially Harry's."

"Uhh I hate you so much right now Horan."

"It's only craiccccccc."


Note to self: Never come in contact with a drunk Irishman they just cause problems.

The drink that Harry had bought for me was finished and I was already craving another one but I didn't know the name of the drink so I had to ask him to buy me another one.

"I've finished my drink." I pouted when I face Harry and pretended to cry.

"What do you want me to do about it?" The cheek of him

"Well since I'm your girlfriend I was wondering if you could get me another one since I don't know the name of that delicious drink you ordered me." Trying to get him to cave I gave him my best innocent look, puppy dog eyes wide pouting my lips even more.

"Pleaaaase." I whine swinging my legs back and forth.

"Not until you kiss me first." Rolling my eyes I leant in to place a kiss on his lips, expecting to pull away easy was not on the cards with Harry as he cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss before I even got the chance to do anything else.

"Hey, lovebirds fancy not trying to suck the saliva out of each other's mouth." Despite the rude interruption off Kennedy it didn't stop me and Harry.

"Boss put that finger down before I snap it off and feed it to a rabid dog." I finally pulled my lips away from Harry giggling in the process.

"Ok now up you go." Wha- my thought were cut short when I felt Harrys arms scoop me up and place me next to the empty space next to Niall.

"Close your legs Ava its very unlady like." This boy has some nerve, so repeating his actions I stuck my middle finger up at him in which he blew me a kiss in return before walking out of the private booth and in the direction of the bar.

"Did he enjoy his little present then?" Jesus fucking Christ Ken just give me a heart attack why don't you.

"Bloody hell Kennedy, are you trying to make my heart pop out of my chest."

"Maybe, anywhoo you didn't answer my question, did he enjoy your present?"

"I presume so I mean he came so I guess, I don't know I'm not exactly expert at that unlike you."

"Bitch." She shoved my shoulder playfully as I giggled at her reaction.

"You love me really Miss Williams."

"That debatable considering you just insulted me."

"Heyyyy it was just friendly craic." I looked over to Niall to see him pissing his pants at my use of his phrase

"Ok back onto the subject I came here for, was it big." My eyes widened due to Kennedy's bluntness about Harry's penis size and if I had a drink I knew I would've spat it out on her and that was something I didn't want to do.

"I'm not answering that question, what happens between me and Harry stays between me and Harry."

"Or do you just not want to tell me how big it is." Keep going I swear my friend

"What will you get out of this if I told you, I'm not saying I will but."

"Nothing, I already know how big he is, I just wanted your opinion." My jaw fell wide open at her statement and I felt the bile rise in my throat, did Harry and Kennedy have a thing before."

"Gosh Ava babe don't pass out on me, it wasn't like that, it was at Matty's bachelor party. Your pretty little boyfriend and the rest of the crew crashed Lizzies bachelorette party and he was completely smashed, trying to get him home was the worst because he stopped halfway back and pissed in a bush, so forgetting to put henry back in the hammock he started wandering down the sidewalk with it all hanging out."

I had completely lost it by then, I was impressed by his size but I could just imagine an intoxicated Harry walking down the LA sidewalks not a care in world with his dick hanging out for passers-by to see. I had never laughed so hard at a story in my life, it made my stomach hurt so much when she finished, I needed to see that side of Harry because it would be a funny sight to see. Kennedy had burst into a fit of giggle as well at her re telling of the story of this Matty person's bachelor party.

"What are you ladies so giggly about?" Harry's raspy voice brought me out my state of giddiness

"Kennedy you told her the fucking story didn't you?" I couldn't even hold the laugh in right now it was just too much to handle right now.

Harry huffed as he passed me my second cocktail mumbling a quiet 'there you go'. I didn't hesitate to gulp a few mouthfuls of the delicious drink before placing in down on the table and scooting over to where his sulking body was sitting, he looked like a sweet innocent young boy that was put in the naughty corner for hitting his sibling too hard.

"Don't be sad baby." I brought my hand up to his curls and started combing through his hair.

"I don't want to see you sad on your birthday, c'mon I want to see that gorgeous smile of yours." I speaking to him like a baby was what it would take to bring a smile to his face then I would carry on speaking like this.

"Hey Harry, Harry Harry, Harreh, Harold, Haz, Haz bear." No use

"Are you ticklish my dear Harold?" His eyes widened as I asked him my question, bingo, he's ticklish. So ever so slowly I started to crawl my fingers up his biceps stopping just before his armpit, he still wasn't budging so I had to go in for the kill, I quickened he pace of my fingers and began tickling him in his armpit which sent him into a fit of laughs and giggles, the way his eyes would crinkle and his dimples would carve was mesmerizing, he was beautiful and he was mine. His laughs subsidised and he lifted me onto his lap again so I was straddling him, I bit my lip as I closed the space between me and him and kissed him sweetly.

"How did I ever get so lucky to have you Ava?"

Hiya lovelies, hope you enjoy the chapter, thank you so much for the reads and votes.




Jade x

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