"Life Took Another Turn"

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I enter the house and slip off my shoes quietly, it's around 11pm. The meeting with Sophie lasted way longer than I had expected and I'm just praying to god Andy is asleep so I can pack my stuff and leave his house.

I hope one day him and I can figure things out, and be friends again. I don't want to be just friends with him, I love him. But it's just way too obvious that he doesn't feel the same way.

I walk to the steps when the stair lights turn on and Andy's a step away from me, by the light switch. Fuck, he stayed up and waited for me. 

I just walk towards him to walk by when he stepped in front of me.

"Move Andy," I tell him sternly.

"No, you are going to listen to me wether you like it or not," Andy looks down at me.

"No I'm not Andrew, move," I push him but he doesn't budge. "Seriously move, I'm out of here, we're done, I can't be with you, I can't be with someone who thinks I'm a slut and an attention whore,"

"I'm not letting you go, not this easily,"

Whatever, fine he wants to play this game. I'll sit down and he'll talk but I won't listen to what he has to say, then I'm fucking out of here.

I cross my arms and turn around, walking to the couch, sitting down.

Andy walks over and kneels down in from of me.

"Just hear what I have to say, then you can decide if you still want to leave," His eyes search mine, waiting for me to make eye contact. Finally he sighs and looks down.

"I know nothing can take back what I said to you.. Those awful things I had said. But I want to make things right and to even start I have to apologize, Racheal I am so sorry baby that I spoke to you like that, you didn't deserve it at all," Andy looks up.

I look away from him as tears swell up in my eyes, I look to the wall so he doesn't see me crying.

"I don't think you're a slut or an attention whore.. I just said the first thing that came to my mind that would hurt you because I don't want you to strip," Andy pauses.

"You made it pretty fucking clear you don't want me to strip," I sniff and wipe my eyes, looking down at my hands as I fiddle with my fingers.

"I don't want you to strip because you're beautiful and you're sexy-"

"What in the world does that have to do with it," I cut him off.

"Because I'm the jealous one, I want you all to myself. I see the way guys look at you, I know they want a chance to be with someone so beautiful and smart and sexy and just overall amazing like you," Andy takes my hands in his.

I feel a small smile tug on the corners of my mouth.

"You're my world and the thought of losing you when you told me you and I were over.. I couldn't bear it. You've played a huge role in my life, you're my best friend and some day I hope you're my girlfriend,"

I finally look him in the eyes, tears fall from my eyes and onto his hands.

"I love you so much Racheal, you have no idea, I am so so sorry for the pain I have put you through," Andy kisses my hands and rests his forehead on our hands.

Andy's POV

I feel her as she removes her hands from mine, I move as she goes to stand up. I watch as I feel my stomach drop and my world stop as Racheal walks past the stairs and to the door. She puts her hand on the door knob and twists, opening it.

I watch as she takes a step out. She stops and turns her head to look at me, she stares at me long and hard. A few moments later she sighs and closes the door behind her.

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