"Who Will be the One to Save Our Destiny"

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"What happened after Scout left?!" Ashley asks me eager to know the rest.

"I just went back to the bus, cleaned my wounds, then went to bed.. But it was weird when I had got on the bus, the guys stopped their conversation and all of them just stared at me," I explain everything at happened the other night, Ashley missed the fight between Scout and I.

"What do you think they're hiding?" Ashley asks me.

"I don't know.. I hope it's nothing bad," I sigh

"I doubt it's anything bad, the guys love and adore you," She assures me.

"Thank you, so what is Ms Ashley Costello going to do after Warped is over?"

"Probably work on the album we have in the works, tour, interviews, photo shoots," Ashley says it like it's nothing.

"You live a exciting life," I say in awe.

"Not really, I love doing what the band and I do, but sometimes it's just nice to sleep in and spend a few months hibernating," She laughs.

"If you want to sleep in all day, everyday, and strip at night then by all means take my spot in life and I'll take yours," I joke around with her.

"Gosh no, I could never show my body off like that and look good while doing it," Ashley looks at her phone, "I have to do a meet and greet right now, so I'll talk to you later,"

"Okay, see you," I grin as Ashley walks off the bus.

I hear voices outside then the bus door open and see Andy enter, he looks toward me and smiles.

"Hey Andy, what's up?" I look at him.

"Not much, your lips and cheeks are looking better," He kneels down and runs his thumb over my lips.

"Yeah," I say, holding his hand. "Have you spoken to Scout since last night?"

"No," Andy whispers as he shakes his head, staring into my eyes.

"I think you should," I sigh.

"Why?" He furrows his brows in confusion.

"Well I mean, I'd be pretty upset if for years I was fooled to think a song was about me only to find out it wasn't, I don't know I just think you owe her more of an explanation as much as I really don't want you to talk to her.. I just think she deserves the explanation," I shrug, kissing his hand that was on my lips.

"Okay, yeah I'll call her later but for now," Andy brings his face closer to mine, staring into my eyes.

I close my eyes as his lips touch mine, I feel his hands move to my hips as I stand up. I break the kiss and look him in the eyes, his eyes filled with love.

"What were you and the guys talking about last night when I walked in?" The questions pops into my head.

Andy opens his mouth but then looks down, smiling. "Don't worry about that right now," he looks back at me and kisses my lips before I could get anything out.

Andy picks me up and takes us to the lounge area, you know what happens.

I see Andy get up as he walks across the room and puts on his boxers, Andy looks at me and throws his shirt at me, I put it on as I sit up to look at him.

"I love you," Andy walks over to me and pecks my lips.

"I love you too," I smile in the kiss.

Andy sits down beside me and turns me to face him.

"I need to tell and ask you something, well I mean I'll ask the question if I get the response I need and want to hear-"

"Just tell me," I cut Andy off from rambling.

"Okay," he looks down and chuckles.

Andy takes my hands and looks me in the eyes, "last night when you walked on to the bus and the guys and I stopped talking, you were wondering what we were talking about,"

I nod my head.

"Well, we were talking about plans after Warped and none of us want to go that long again without you in our lives and maybe you don't want to see us after Warped I don't know-"

"Of course I do," I cut off Andy's rambling.

"Okay good," He breathes out, "because I was wondering if you wanted to maybe move in with me? You'll be able to see the guys on a daily basis and you'll see a lot of the band members who are now your friends sometimes daily but like very often and you'll be able to go on tour with us and maybe if you wanted to.. You could be my girlfriend," Andy rambles on, this time I don't cut him off.

"Oh wow," I can't help but smile, "I would love to Andy but I can't just pack everything up and go like that,"

"Why not?"

"I have a job, and friends back home,"

"Just think about the opportunities you'll have living with me and being with the guys, you'll travel the world if you tour with us, you'll make new friends, get a new job, it'll be a new start for you, and for us, just to get out of the same old neighbourhood you've been in since we were kids and just.. Think about it, please," Andy pleads, squeezing my hands.

"I will think about it," I look him in the eyes.

"Just, not after Warped ends so like.. tomorrow," Andy chuckles to lighten the mood.

"I'll tell you by the end of the day," I kiss his cheek as I stand up and grab my clothes, I enter the bathroom and get changed.

Wow.. Andy wants me to move in with him, wants me to be his girlfriend. He's really serious about him and I, if he wanted to prove to me he loves me then damn he did a pretty good job of it.

I can't just quit my job though, I do really good there. But maybe I can find a stripping job there, I don't know. But I know it's about time I start living my life, I've felt the most alive I have touring with them since they left me years ago.

This is a big decision and I hope I don't make the wrong one.

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